
White worms?????

by Guest65802  |  earlier

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my mom worked at a school. She brought home a rug for our dining room. There was a flooding in her office, thus the carpet got wet to. This was back in January. Its now July. My mom found these little white worms crawling under the rug. They move like caterpilars and are completely white. My dad doesnt think that these are maggots, they are about 1/4 of an inch long. Do we need to call extermanators?? or do we just spray bug stuff??? Pleze help us , i dont want to find them somewhere in my room!!!!!




  1. They move like caterpillars because they ARE caterpillars. You've got moths. Probably the little ones, the size of your pinky fingernail. Just spray some bug stuff.

  2. It sounds like magots to me.  They like to breed in wet area's.  If the rug remains damp it is just a breeding ground for them.  I would get rid of the rug.  Good Luck.

  3. If you dont know what they are, CALL A FREAKING EXTERMANATOR!!! THATS DISCUSTING!!!!

  4. It sounds like the rug didn't get dry all the way before laying it on the floor. When you don't have good air movement several types of bugs can lay eggs. It sounds like maggots to me. Look carefully around the area that the rug was laying. Make sure that these worms haven't traveled any farther than the rugs immediate dimensions. After removing the rug, spray the worms with a bug killer. The rug should be professionally cleaned, but you should be able to get away with hanging it over a clothes line until the worms die and you can make sure they don't come back, ie lay eggs that hatch back into the rug. You'll want to clean the rug with carpet cleaner on both sides. Make sure all the inside bugs are gone. Make sure your rug is completely dry and bug and worm free before you put it back on the floor.

  5. Ewww. You poor girl :[ I don't know what to say really just get rid of them
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