
Whites Tree Frog UVB question?!?

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I just recently bought a Whites Tree Frog, and have been having problems keeping the tank up to temp. But it seems that from adding the blue light to the tank added some temp and they came out of there hiding spot and were sticking to the corners of the glass and were a nice green. They seemed alright but I want the temp to be where there most comfortable and from my research 83-86 degrees is preferable for these guys. So what I did was I bought a 3 in one fixture. It holds a 2 incandescents, and one fluorescent. So i bought the following lights a Zoo-med basking spot lamp(75w), zoo med 60 watt night light (red), and a exo-terra repti-glo 5.0 UVB 15 watt. Today is going to be the first day with both the UVB and the heat lamp on at the same time. Also since I put the red one on i hit 80 degrees, so it looks like the temp problem has been fixed. But what's with all this information saying they dont need a UVB? I mean most of the info I come across is saying they dont need it, but I came across another site stating they do great with UVB's? How come there is so many different opinions on this subject? I can't see how having one is nothing be beneficial to the animal, but maybe I'm wrong. Someone please give me some RELIABLE information, I don't care if they don't require it, but if its good for them why wouldn't you? Just seems like a short cut. Anyways thanks for the help!!




  1. OK UVB is not required but is beneficial and bring brings out brighter colours so altho they arent strickly needed whites do better if they have them. also heat/basking lamps need either a guard or to be outside the screen mesh at the top of the cage as frogs can burn themselves also keep an eye on humidity levels as heat/basking lamps can dry out the tops of vivariums

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