
Whjy in the programming and design section.....?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike there always people who post links to "tutorials", (half of which aren't even tutorials) as an answer to a question.

Normally I might not even have a problem with this if the tutorial had something to do with the question, but you're getting links to Java and SQL websites in a question about C++. wtf?




  1. Spammer trolls, that's all they are. I generally report them, or at least give them a big ol thumbs down.  

  2. People in this section often don't bother to choose a best answer, so a lot of questions go to voters..

    Voters choose whichever sounds the best, don't follow links ( because they don't know what the links are talking about), But... if there are links maybe that person knows something.....

    It's a theory, good or bad....

  3. Good question mate, unless they are complete an utter idiots the only reasonable explanation is that it is merely a computer generated response (maybe thats the conspiracy theorist coming out in me) but its a common trend that seems a tad suspicious, either way its a waste of time for all parties involved (and bear in mind I am stating this to those 'individuals' who post irrelavant links,



  4. they are just trolls spamming.

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