
Whlist driving a courtesy car i had a fault accident,who covers the insurance costs?

by  |  earlier

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i was driving a courtesy car from the result of a none fault accident to my own car,when i crashed into another car which was my fault.the courtesy car company argued with my insurance company as to who is insurance company said that because i did not deal with them in the initial accident that it was nothing to do with them,the car company assured me that i was covered third party by my insurance company.when i returned the car the staff said of the problems with my insurance company, that they point blank refused to have anything to with it and that a recent change in their code of conduct/goodwill to their customers meant that they were footing the bill.this was 6-8 weeks ago.assuming everything was ok i put the whole incident behind me.i have just recieved a final notice totally out of the blue to foot the bill as they have had no joy with my insurance company.during this 6-8wk period i have had no correspondance from anyone,please what do i do now?




  1. the car should have had insurance on it to be driving on  the road so the owners of that car are the one who should be having it done now it was your fault should nt have anything to do with your cars insurance but theirs you didnt wreck your car you  wreck theirs.. talk with a lawyer

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