
Who, can tell me how to get the truth from a man?

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My boyfriend is older then me. We have twin girls. Yet he promise to come and spend time, but then something always come up. He's a good father. Just can't handel being around the girls long. One of the twins have A.D. so she is hard to handel at time. But, I do it. Help!




  1. What you really need is his commitment to this family, since that’s what being a good parent is all about. “Something always comes up” seems to be an excuse to not keep his promises.

    He’s hardly a good father if he can’t stand being around his own children! If one child has a problem he should be even more concerned. But his behaviour seems to say that child responsibility is basically yours – perhaps that’s the unspoken ‘truth’ you’re already getting from the man. You’d be wise not to expect too much from him in the parent role.

    Looking after the twins must take up all your time, so holding down a paying job will be impossible for you. You definitely need financial support for his children’s upkeep in future. So you might first make sure that your boyfriend fulfills that responsibility of fatherhood at least.  

  2. He's a good father but can't handle being around his own kids?

    Take off the rose coloured glasses and tell him he needs to take some responsibility.

    He had the fun, now it's time to grow up or get out.

    By the way, I am a guy, There are still a few of us with a conscience.

    As for getting the truth out of him, in his case I would suggest something like sodium pentathol.

  3. he is a real ***...he is not a good father, good fathers spend time with kids, take care about them every day and usually live together :S

    if you call a good dad that he makes the twins laugh im sorry but a clown can do that and you need a real man

  4. If he is a good father and is your boyfriend then y the heck isn't he living with you and ur twins ? I have 7 kids and it is bloody hard and you need all the help you can esp off their father. Twins are really hard to cope with alone and one with ADD is even harder. I do not recommend medication for A.D.D. though as it will only make her dopey and she won't want to play sports etc and ADD kids make great sports players and actors etc. Tell this idiot to start taking responsibility for his own girls now.

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