
Who, what, when, why and how did you fall in love?

by Guest64760  |  earlier

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  1. ...myself, from birth to NOW...i love me so much too...

  2. My first love was when I was 5. She was in my first grade class and her cousin was a famous hockey player. I don't know if that had anything to do with how cute and sweet she seemed. That was in 1964! And I have been in love a couple dozen times since then.

  3. I fell in love both times when I wanted to escape my current situation. I learned to love once I accepted my choices and began to put the other person first.

  4. Well with Alex, it just popped up out of nowhere, I was minding my own business one day when BAM!! I saw her and it took me a few months to figure out that I liked her. I was 14 am 16 now, and loves lasted 2 years.

    I fell in love with her because, I needed someone of her integrity, she's d**n beautiful, smart, talented like I, easy going and great fun to be around. I fell in love because I hated all of those, flat loves that went nowhere, and I spent my days miserable. Unfortunately I was hoping to break the habit, but that day hasn't come    

  5. Love is never preplanned.  Two people come accross, having the first look on each other, they start feeling that they had been one throughout the ages, had been separated and now they have come once again face to face.  Love means some feeling in two hearts at one and the same time and simultaneously.

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