
Who, why, what, when is fat tuesday?

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i dont get it?


what is fat tuesday

when is fat tuesday

why is there fat tuesday?

where is fat tuesday?

whats it about?




  1. It's a knockoff of the Ruby Tuesday restaurant chain.

  2. Fat Tuesday is the last day before Lent starts.  Lent is a period of 40 days where you give up something good in honor of Jesus.  So on Mardi Gras, you live it up and get all the wildness out of your system.  Once Lent starts, you give up something you like (ie, chocolate) and you don't eat meat on Fridays (supposedly).  

    It's primariy a Catholic tradition, and many older protestant religions also celebrate Lent.  Many new religions don't follow it.  The anabaptists primarily reject it. (Anabaptists were big bible thumpers that sprouted into what are now amish, mennonites, and baptists)

    It was this past Tuesday.

  3. fat tuesday is madigra

  4. Mardi Gras. It was last Tuesday.


    Mardi Gras (French for "Fat Tuesday") is the day before Ash Wednesday, and is also called "Shrove Tuesday" or "Pancake Day". Mardi Gras is the final day of Carnival the three day period preceding the beginning of Lent, the Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday immediately before Ash Wednesday (some traditions count Carnival as the entire period of time between Epiphany or Twelfth Night and Ash Wednesday. The entire three day period has now come to be known in many areas as Mardi Gras. Perhaps the cities most famous for their Mardi Gras celebrations include New Orleans, Louisiana; Mobile, Alabama; Venice, Italy; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Many other places have important Mardi Gras celebrations as well. Carnival is an important celebration in most of Europe, except in the United Kingdom where pancakes are the tradition, and also in many parts of Latin America and the Caribbean.


  5. Fat tuesday is for catholics, when Jesus went in the desert and fasted for 40 days and nights for god and there is a related cause called *Lent* i think its about of fat tuesday and also i think its when you give up something like you give up chocolate for the rest of the weak or like if you always eat meat on mondays you quit that for the rest of the day. And i think if you have never tried anything before A toy or food or something and you try something new on that day. My Classmate in school during History session she passed out beads for us to  wear during Marti Gra it repreasents the holiday and my history teacher said in the old times they did carnivals, festivals and stuff

    2/5/08(Marti Gra) 2/6/08(Lent)

    Hoped i help!!!::::)))


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