
Who,When and Where was Taekwondo invented?

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I have a school project and i chose taekwondo(i wont go into details about what the proyect is about since u really don't care about it,i hope).For this project i need:

Who invented Taekwondo

When was it invented

Where was it invented(i know Korea,that's easy).

Now,i do NOT want the info that says about the 1950's Korean guy that invented it,i want the original thing,the one about how it was invented in some era B.C. or something.

I have found some info but all of them point to the 1950's thing.I also found one about Koreas 3 divisions but there wa not much.DO NOT say wikipedia because in wikipedia i did not find the info i need.Unless there is more to it.

Whatever info u tell me,please post sorcess.I do not want an F when class here barely reached the month .




  1. There is controversy surrounding the development of Tae-Kwon-Do. I suggest you do a wikipedia search on both Tae-Kwon-Do and General Choi.

    Most people believe that General Choi was responsible for what we now call Tae-Kwon-Do. Choi modeled it after the Japanese karate style of Shotokan which he had studied.

    For what it is worth, there are at least 75 different martial arts that are known as Tae-Kwon-Do in Korea.

    You should have no trouble finding information on TKD on the internet. There are many opinions here in Y/A  that are not always reliable. Best to do your own research.

  2. Do your own research.  The internet is not a reliable source of information for research papers.  People on the internet are even worse.

    Besides, I'm not looking up this stuff for you to make your homework easier, that'd be helping you to cheat, which goes against the martial artist's sense of integrity.

    ....sigh. fine. I guess i'm a softie.  I was told Taekwondo was developed from Hwa Rang Do.  Go follow that.

  3. See this link.....

    It goes back as far as I can read to ( 3–427 CE ) ,unless you use google.

    Best wishes :)***

  4. TKD's history is mostly fabricated. As it is now, it was created in the 1950's, not by a single man but by a coalition of schools looking to standardize the teaching.

    Each of these schools were Karate dojos during Japanese occupation, but once the occupation ended and Korean nationalism began to thrive once more, the schools wanted to draw in students for a "Korean style".

    Korea does have many native arts, and some aspects of them have been incorporated into TKD. But the heart of TKD truly is Okinawan Karate. This is the truth, take it or leave it.

  5. Dude ! everything about TKD history is fabricated !  You want real history ? Search for the fighting art of China and Okinawa !  

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