
Who'd have thought the old firm would have struggled.Results could have went against them both.

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You're right Eddie I expected a good win for Celtic.




  1. 3 points are 3 points. If we perform poorly and win what will happen when we up our game. Look at last season, we scraped through loadsa games with late goals and became champions once again!

    Hail Hail

  2. not to worry first game of the season and we know celtic will get better and who would have thought a wee 17 year old would get blocked by eddie hahahahaha i must have upset him in one of his multi accounts either blue eddie bjk or yahoogle pmsl

  3. your right Dicky the way we are all going onn u`d think we both got gubbed but i still say the tics score tells us a story what? build you self up and u`r sure to free fall

    i`v one account most folk with a brain now that i just diny like the way you canny  answer 17 f**k sake act it then ya we brain washed taig

    you did as well chaza

  4. were p**s and we know we are.ANY old firm fan that thinks their team deserved 3 points this weekend must be high on bucky & speed

  5. yep both games were shocking!

    Eddie: "build you self up and ur sure to free fall"  rangers would know aw about that since last seasons quadruple


  7. just shows that we are too quick to forget about the rest of the spl and only concentrate on ourselves.

  8. Both games were shocking but when rangers scraped through it was because of the goal scorer where as you had help from the ref who also helped you out at falkirk last season.

    Tut tut. I agree we're both shite! Let's just hope we improve or some other team like motherwell could come first this year

  9. I rather enjoyed Caley being in first place, if only for a day.

  10. It never fail's to amaze me, all clubs you would think would be up for it. But they are always ring rusty, but it's better to catch the old firm at the start rather than when they star to gel  

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