
Who'd make a better first lady, Cindy or Whatsername?

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I mean c'mon!




  1. Cindy. Someone that has done so much charity work. Someone that will be able to speak out against landmine use and cluster bombs. Someone who knows how to drift race. Has a pilots license. Owns one of the largest Budweiser distributorships. Has a masters degree in special needs children education. This could be one of the best first lady's ever.

    Michelle she is a Lawyer that knows how to shoe poor people away from her hospital.

  2. Elisabeth Kucinich

  3. C'monnnnn now, her name is MICHELLE OBAMA sorry to disappoint you she will look beautiful and regal as a first lady.  

    Cindy is pretty but really some of us don't really go for that bleached and dumb blonde stuff.

  4. Cindy. Visitors from overseas who visit the White House might mistake Michelle for a maid.

  5. im sure michelle will make an ok first lady but i hope she keeps the hate america rhetoric down if she is  

  6. Actually even though I am not an Obama voter I think both would be a classy first lady... however I prefer to see Cindy and Sarah Palin walking around... but that's because they share more of my ideals than Michelle does...

  7. Who cares? Trust me, neither of them are what you would call the next Eleanor Roosevelt.

  8. Definitely Cindy. She's done so much charity work. It shows what kind of a first lady she would be.

  9. another educated, well informed warmonger, I see

  10. Whatsername?   You probably mean Sarah Palin.  She has had alot of exposure lately and has an unknown name.  She is not running for first lady, she is running for VP.  I agree she would make a better first lady than Cindy (and a better first lady than a VP) but of course not as good as Michelle Obama will be.

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