
Who'd win in this tag team? How'd it go and who'd win?

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The team of Evolution(HHH, Randy Orton, Batista, and Ric Flair)


Evil Team McDonald(Ronald, Grimace, Birdie, and Hamburgular) with The Fry Guys and Mayor McCheese in their corner cheering them on and distracting the other team and tripping the other team up when the ref isn't looking.

How'd the match go, who'd win, and how would it end?




  1. LOL, interesting question!

    I think Evolution would smash the living daylights out of the McDonalds team.

  2. HHH would pin Ronald after a Pedigree.

  3. Randy Orton would get taken out by the Fry Guys.

    Triple H would try to hit a Pedigree on Grimace but Birdie would peck away at his neck.

    The Hamburglar is wise. He would manipulate Batista (like Triple h used to) and then he and Batista would go back to McDonald's for a happy meal.

    But, Naitch, (WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) would pick up the win after making Ronald submit to a figure-four leg-lock.

    Mayor McCheese would be in the back taking a payoff.

  4. Batista eliminates Grimace by pushing him on his *** so he cant get up and then he pins him

    Birdie and Orton eliminate themselves then go somewhere private

    Hamburglar steals HHH's hammer and knocks him out then pins him, Ric flair then eliminates Hamburglar, then ronald eliminates ric leaving batista.

    Batista is knocked out and then WHAT!! The rock interferes and sticks a knife up ronalds candy ***

    Check out my stone cold steve austin tribute

  5. The true question is : are you g*y?

  6. LOL.....what the h**l is Grimace anyway? I mean he looks to weigh a I digress....I think that the golden arches would get killed..

  7. oh my goodness , i think its safe to say  team  Evolution would win  

  8. lmao! :D are you serious?!

    well, i'll answer your question seriously.. team evolution will beat the daylights out of those in the mcdonalds team..

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