
Who'd you rather adopt or give birth your self??

by  |  earlier

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i would adopt not because, im scared of the pain of birth but to make someones day andgive them a home.

just wondering:)




  1. I would love to adopt someday...we were TTC for 18mths and I looked into adoption, rather than going through constant disappointment of TTC...But we are pg with twins now, so I will have to put it off for a little while...I am adopted and it is a very positive thing in my life...Good Luck

  2. give birth

  3. so, i have two of my own children and that is the most wonderful feeling you will ever have, once you have actually gave birth to a baby and get to hold them for the first time, especially when you've been carrying them for 9 months...but however, i would really like to adopt a child also, just because there are so many children out there that need loving families. hope this helps you.

  4. I'd rather give birth, it's soo much more personal. But if I was unable to, I wouldn't mind adopting either.

  5. Have my own children.

  6. I have  had a child and we wish we could adopt. We would love to do both!

  7. you are in the pregnancy section.. ods are 99% of your answers are going to be give birth- if not all of them.

  8. I am unable to get pregnant, so I will adopt or use surrogacy.  However, I would give just about anything to experience the joy of pregnancy and childbirth just one time.

  9. Give birth.  It's not as bad as you think it is.

  10. When I get older, I want to do both: I want to have one child, and adopt one child.

    But I'll be happy with whatever fate gives me. X]

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