
Who's a better debater -- Bill O'Reilly or Keith Olberman and why? Also, who would win in a 1 on 1 debate?

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Who's a better debater -- Bill O'Reilly or Keith Olberman and why? Also, who would win in a 1 on 1 debate?




  1. Keith, hands down. O'Reilly is jus MAD.

  2. Olberman would defeat O'Reilly because Bill's voice would go hoarse first.

  3. Oreilly wouldn't have any idea what to do in a debate. No volume switch, no commercial cuts, no intimidating atmosphere. he would be clueless. This is why he never agrees to go on Bill Moyers. The last thing Fox news is interested in is a real debate where people are allowed to speak freely without interruption.

  4. They are both idiotic talking heads, but I give the edge to O'Reilly.  Olbermann would get frustrated and start spitting out old Sportscenter catch phrases.

  5. O'Reilly: he can at least consider another person's arguing points. Olbermann is too opinionated and too intolerant of an opposing view.

    I don't think a debate between the two would last very long before they would be at one anothers throat, literally.

  6. If there were real rules of engagement in place, then O' Reilly would be at a serious disadvantage!  

    No yelling.

    No interrupting.

    No name calling,or insults

    No 'misrepresenting' known facts.

    In a serious quest for the truth, Olberman wins!

  7. O'Reilly yells and lies.   Olberman isn't put in debate situations on his show.  All the research is mainly done for him.   Olberman is unproven, but if i had to then i would through my hat in with him, because he actually uses sources.

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