Hi there guys, I am interested in becoming a secondary teacher specialising in English, I have looked up many routes into becoming a teacher and as it follows there are two main paths for me. One is to take a BA followed by QTS or B.Ed, which will take three years and the other option is to have a standalone degree in English then carry out a PGCE, which will take four years. I feel that if i take a BA (QTS) or B.Ed, I will start getting into teaching straightaway whereas if I do a degree first and then do a PGCE, then I will find myself in the deep end.
The only secondary English B.Ed I have found is in Edge Hill University which is up north near Liverpool I believe. Im wondering are there any other degree like a BA (QTS) or B.Ed in secondary English down south, possibly near London?
Second of all, for those who are teaching right now could you give some details of how you got into teaching English secondary and whether you like it or not?
Thanks in advance