
Who's at fault here?

by Guest57915  |  earlier

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You stop behind a school bus that is idle on the right side of the road on a two way street with one lane on each side. The busses lights are flashing, but the stop sign is not extended, you stop anyway. The bus driver gives you the signal to proceed and you do so. As you go around the school bus, someone behind you tries to pass you on the left (double yellow line) and you crash into the side of his car.

Im having an argument with someone that is trying to explain that you would be more than 50% at fault. Is this true?




  1. You hit the "side" of his car?

    You are 100% at fault.

    Doesn't matter that the bus driver waived you around, you still have to wait for a car that's already in the space you want to occupy.

    you had an opportunity to avoid an accident by looking before changing lanes, but you failed.

  2. no dont listen to the other guy, if you were already fully in the lane and the guy was speeding or just being stupid and illegallyt just trying to pass you then its his fault. the insurance co might see it differently, but if they do, its that they will pay for the fault and not you. even though thats wrong, life aint always right. so dont worry about it as long as you got in the lane when the guy you hit wasnt too near to cause the accident by merging into that lane.

  3. You are both at fault. 50/50

  4. Both of you are at fault....the bus lights were flashing and you needed to stay behind the bus and the other driver for passing with a double yellow line.

    The bus driver is only a bus driver he is not in charge of traffic control, the police do that.

    50 / 50

  5. you are . why did you pull off the road and stop behind the bus<<
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