
Who's better? Raiders or 49ers??

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i'm going with the Raiders




  1. Lol Raiders have one of the best nfl Defenses, 49ers have a c**p Defense. Offensively if  Darren Mcfadden can play good, offensivly too.

  2. raiders have more talent so raiders

  3. The first guy is an idiot, its the Raiders. The 49ers are currently having a QB competition between a bust 1st round pick and two guys that would be backups on any other team. They once again have a new #1 WR meaning no chemistry between QB and WR and they have their 4th offensive coordinator in 4 years.

    The Raiders have had a few bad years but that has led them to a QB and a RB taken in the first 5 picks in back to back years. If they dont this year they will challenge for a playoff spot soon, whereas the 49ers could very well be a top five draft pick or even first pick this year.  

  4. As this season is concern, Im have to go with the Raiders.Even though they play in a tougher division and 49er have an easier chance of winnin in the nfc west it doesnt look likely though because its the niners and there still have no clue who there qb is.Raiders however have all there trust in the world in Russell and has all the support around him.With Michael Bush and Darren McFadden in the backfield its gonna be a headache for defenses.They wont make the playoffs or anythin but they will gain there respect back by going 6-10 where as the niners go 5-11.

  5. Raiders>69ers

  6. The Raiders.

    The 49ers just plain suck. They have the worst defense and offense in the nfl. Along with a S****y coach. Patrick willis is their only good linebacker. All he really did was w***e all the tackles. While the Raiders linebackers are great in coverage. Thomas Howard led all linebackers in the nfl in interceptions and Kirk Morrison led the team twice in tackles. The Raiders loaded backfield is so much better than just Frank Gore. Frank Gore won't be so good this year now that the 69ers o-line got worse. JaMarcus Russell is so much better than all of their QBs put together. Vernon Davis is an overrated tight end who excels at dropping the ball in the end zone. Their best receiver is old as ****. Isaac Bruce isnt the answer to their problems at wide receiver. The Raiders will have the best pass defense in the league because of their great secondary and all the 69ers have is Nate Clements who they over paid and he was **** last year. So teams will having fun playing against that defense because they can pass and run the ball while the Raiders have fixed their run defense and improved their already great pass defense over the offseason.

    Raiders 9-7

    69ers 3-13

    Looks like we have a delusional 29er fan on our hands here. How g*y can these f**s get?

  7. I'm going to say the 49ers...

    The Raiders have a huge backfield but their run defense is still extremely questionable.  They have a young and (according a few coaches) very immature QB at the worst times.

  8. they both suck

  9. 49ers way more experience

  10. The Raiders here are the reason:

    better defense

    two of the top cornerbacks

    one of the best line backing corps

    underrated offensive line and QB

    a very good running back in Darren McFadden

    and they have Javon Walker and Ronald Currey and Zach Miller very good receiving core for Russell

    The 49ers are still trying to figure out who is their staring QB going to be that's not good for week 3 of pre-season, so the Raiders are wayyyy better.

  11. ur an idiot the 49ers are better.

  12. 49ers are better.  THey have way more talent.  I guarentee Russel wont amount to anything and will be forgotton about in 2-3 years.  Martz will improve their offense. You guys are so hard on the QB's,  but if your team had a new offensive coordinator with new plays every year I bet they would suck too.   Martz will settle in the passing game.  Once the passing game gets back up and the other team stops stacking 8 in the box Gore will dominate.  Gore kills any of Raiders running backs.  Plus raiders have who as receivers? Curry LOL LOL LOL.  That is hilarious.  The one guy said walker is good too lol he is horrible now because of injuries and did u see how much they paid for him.LOLOL   And you ask who do the 49ers have.  Bruce who everyone thinks is old but is only 1 year older than Owens.   Bryant Johnson who has the skill to be awesome but hasnt got the chance behind Fitz and Boldin, so we will see what he can do.   Also u guys talk about defense,  raiders defense is ranked 5 positions higher than the 49ers.  WOOOOWWWW  thats so much better.  Plus we have Patrick WIllis which will kill the raiders. You acctually think the raiders have a better linebacker than Willis.  Come on people dont kid yourself.  One guy said better linebackers. lol. Good joke.     20 bucks says Willis hurts Russel or McFadden.

    And that is why the 49ers are better than the raiders and all the other guys that didnt say much but just said the raiders.  Say some stats and facts instead of just saying it because ur dumb.

    Oh man that is funny Raiders, u have got to be the biggest moron to post a comment.    You made no points about anything.   You said Bruce is old.  So then you think T.O. is to old too.  You said Kirk Morrison led the team in tackles .  Wow what a accomplishment that means absolutly nothing.  He was 13th in the leauge and willis had 54!!!!!!!!! MORE TACKLES and led the league by 33 tackles over everyone else.   You called him a tackle hog, that doesnt even make since.  Dont you wont ur linebacker to make as many tackles as he can. Wow good point u had there.  Also what has Russel done to prove he is good.  Where are u getting this idea show me some stats. Oh wait thats because their is none.  He will suck so dont cry urself to sleep when he does.  Also raiders defense right now is ranked 16th and 49ers is ranked 21st.  Plus what did they do to fix their run defense.  Did they rub a magic bottle or something.  Gore is gonna run all over them.  Dont cry about that one when it happens either.

    Plus I love how u didnt say anything about the Raiders receivers.  Are u ashamed. You should be because they blow.  You guys would kill for Bruce, but u wont admit it.  HHmmmm Curry and broken knees and legs Walker.  Wow what good receiver depth.  WE paid to much for Clement,  did u see how much u guys paid for a broke down receiver named Javon Walker.  Now thats laughable.  

    Anything else???

    Nice come back man.  Did u think of that all by urself?  Oh man ur so funny because u put 29er and 69er.  That is hilarious.  Oh man u called me a g*y lol wow thats a great one never heard that one before. You are very original.  That was  sarcasim if u couldnt tell, because ur a moron.   Couldnt think of any stats or anything to comeback at me with could u.  So i Guess that would make me right and u a dubmazz who knows nothing about football.  

    I guess it is true that raiders fans no nothing about football and all they like doing is dressing up for games like its a fashion show.  I bet you like dressing up like a dumbshlt in the black hole as much as  like getting it in the brown hole.  BlTCHES

  13. The first answer is retarded.

    The Raiders are a lot better because they have a good defense and the 49ers have ****. The Raiders at great in the running game while the 49ers are g*y. JaMarcus Russell > Alex Smith

    Terry C is a real dumbass. I guess that's how all 69er fans are when they get raped in the ***.

  14. That's like asking someone if they'd prefer to get kicked in the nads or roll thier johnson out and stomp on it.

    Both teams are in the bottom 25% of the league. It's a close one, but I'll give SF the nod here.

  15. I personally prefer the Raiders for reasons I don't fully understand.

    I just guess I find it hard to root for a team that is named after a number.

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