
Who's brain does a harder work, a tennis player during a match, or a mathematician solving a math problem?

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Who's brain does a harder work, a tennis player during a match, or a mathematician solving a math problem?




  1. For A Mathematician, brain works harder. Cause he is using only the brain, especially, the ENTIRE left brain.

    For a tennis player,small portion of the left brain is used for calculating to hit the ball  and more of physical activity.


    uses logic

    detail oriented

    facts rule

    words and language

    present and past

    math and science

    can comprehend



    order/pattern perception

    knows object name

    reality based

    forms strategies




    uses feeling

    "big picture" oriented

    imagination rules

    symbols and images

    present and future

    philosophy & religion

    can "get it" (i.e. meaning)



    spatial perception

    knows object function

    fantasy based

    presents possibilities


    risk taking

  2. It could be either.  While the tennis player is taking in stimuli (where the ball is etc.), making quick decisions, and doing a lot of physical activity, a mathematics problem requires problem solving.  Problem solving uses up just about your entire brain.  

    If you just focus on what you are consciously thinking, the mathematician probably does more because the tennis player moves and does a lot without thinking.  If we had to consciously think about each muscle we had to stimulate to move, we'd go nowhere, so our actual movements are done freely of our immediate thought.

    A convincing argument can be made for both.  The best way would be to hook each up to a medical device and monitor their brain activity.

  3. I would say the tennis player. His/her brain is sending signals to make him move and smack that tennis ball.

  4. I would say the tennis player simply because they are doing phyical and mental work at the same time.  

  5. It depends on their IQ's.

    It is a common misconception that by using more of your brain, that you're smarter, but in a functional MRI it shows that people with higher IQ's use less of their brain.

    Since math is visualising, you use the whole half side of the back of your brain, but since playing tennis incorporates you using your visual skills and your motor-skills, then I would say tennis.

  6. the mathematicians brain is being greatly stimulated at the cortex. the tennis players brain on an equivalent situation is being greatly stimulated at the cerebellum, which is where all learned movements originate from. However, the tennis player also has to think and make decision during the game, whereas the mathematician, doesnt have to practice or reinforce learned movement.  i dont think theres much of a comparison, the abilities that the brain is performing in both of the situations differ a lot, i think you are comparing apples to oranges.

    if you were to compare a ping pong player to a tennis player, or a mathematician to an accountant, then the answer would become clear.  

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