
Who's business is it anyways?

by  |  earlier

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I have 4 kids and just recently miscarried. I wasn't trying to conceive but something happened with my thyroid. I was 16 weeks when I miscarried. Now all I can think about is having a baby. My husband is all for it. We raise our own kids and both work full time. Why are people negative to the idea? When I miscarried I got well you already have 4 kids. I thought that was very rude of the person to say that. What is all of your input on the whole having a 5th child? Please be kind with your responses as I am emotional having just miscarried.




  1. People are always going to give their opinion and make their own judgements.  The important thing is that you and your husband talked it over and throught things through and decided on a big family.  If that is what you both want by all means keep trying you only live once!

  2. IF  you and your husband are willing and able then go for it, why should you care what people think, there is no law here on how many kids you can have, as far as the comment that was made it does sound rude, but i really don't think they meant it that way.

  3. People love to doubt others on things that they believe they can't do.

    If you feel confident in the thought of having a 5th child then you and your husband should.

  4. If you and your husband are willing and able to take care of any children you have it is no ones business. You have my deepest sympathy on your loss. Best of luck to you and yours.

  5. First of all I'm sorry for your loss.  Take it easy and it'll get better.  Secondly, its not anybodies business how many kids you have.  If you and your husband are both working and raising your children then i would say go ahead and have another.  If you wont have difficulty raising another child then there is no problem. Don't worry about what people are saying because there gonna say it no matter what.  Some people are just like that.

  6. I personally think there is nothing wrong with 5 children but make sure you give them all the love and attention they need from their parents. I dont know the person who said that comment but maybe they have no children and want them badly or they were trying to make you feel better or simply they are jelous. Either way it is your life...I praise you for being able to raise such a big family :)

  7. I think if you want a 5th child then go for it.  It was insensitive for the person to say that "you already have 4 kids", but honestly they probably just wanted to try to make you feel better.  People have a really hard time knowing what to say or do when a woman miscarries.  They probably didn't mean you shouldn't keep trying for a 5th.

  8. Who cares what they say. People act like it is so unnatural to have a big family.  I say if you two want another baby go for it.  If people make rudecomments about it just say "yeah too bad you wouldnt be able to handle it."

  9. I'd say if you want another one than go for it.  My parents have 6 children.  The oldest is 25 and the youngest if 5.  Dont let others ruin it for you.  It's your decision not theirs.  and yes it was rude of them to say oh well you already have 4.  It doesnt matter how many you have it was still your child.  Just remember that the older you are the higher risk the pregnancy becomes.  My mother was 41 when she had the last though and there was no complications and he is just fine.  Good Luck with it and Go for it if its want yall want :)

  10. i think you should do what you want. i personally love children and i think people like you are the best ppl to have  children. i am sure your other 4 children are very loved and another one would be loved just the same.

    just because other ppl cant handle it doesnt mean you cant

    i am sorry about your loss. i am sure that was devastating. and whoever could insult you about a miscarriage has no heart at all and its really none of their business

    i say go for it if thats what you want

    but then again, i think if you can provide the love and support and take care of them, you can never have too many.

    you know what your limit is.

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