
Who's comeback story do you like better?

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Josh Hamilton or Jon Lester. I prefer Hamilton because of the extreme time it took him to get away from drugs and off the street.




  1. Hamilton for sure - he has been a star.

  2. This is like comparing apples to oranges. Hamilton's story is self-caused, but it takes real courage to be able to come back from that. He also has the constant fear of going back to that life. Lester had cancer, something that is extremely difficult to deal with even if it was the most treatable form. Can't really compare the two.

    I prefer Hamilton's, though.

  3. They are both amazing  stories.  But if I were to choose one it would be Hamilton because he had to make the choice to get himself better.  

    Lester comeback is wonderful.  He beat cancer and the is an inspiration to everyone.  But the difference in the stories is that Lester had the support of thousands if not millions of people.  He had doctors, and nurses helping him physically and he had his family and most all of the baseball community rooting him on.

    Whereas Hamilton was basically alone.  He had hit rock bottom and he was the cause.  The couldn't blame anyone else. He had to face his addiction and beat it himself.  Sure his wife and grandmother were there to support him but it was mainly him doing the work.

  4. Lester because Hamilton did that to himself with the drugs, and who knows if he has fully recovered and will not regress. Plus, Hamilton was the number one overall pick and had this natural talent all along, whereas Lester was  not.

  5. Theirs is both pretty amazing and theirs storys are very close to each other in which is better. But i'd have to go with Lester. As much as Hamilton has done and whats hes done in that time. Lester beat CANCER and anyone beating cancer has a good story to tell. Be he also threw a NO HITTER. And throwing a no hitter is just a story to tell itself. But putting those things together and BAM.Major comeback kickass story. Also Lester almost died. with cancer. So he came back from nearly almost dead to throwing a no hitter.

  6. Lester. He has acomplished a lot since coming back from some very aggresive cancer treament. Hamilton is great, and has a great story, but his pain is self-inflicted.

  7. Not many people survive cancer. Lester survived, made it to the bigs AND pitched a no hitter. But Armstrong takes the cake on the cancer story. So I would have to say Hamilton.

  8. have to say hamilton because his story through drugs and addiction took so long and still is part of his life, with all the tests and everything. lester when through a lot as well, surviving cancer and makin it to the bigs and pitching well.

  9. This is just my opinion, and I think both stories are great comeback stories.

    But I will have to go with Jon Lester. Listen, cancer is terrifying for anyone to go through. There are many people with other diseases that aren't as bad like me and to know that he came back with non-Hodgeken's lymphoma, that proves that you can do anything! If you work hard, it will pay off!

    But Hamilton's story is great too, don't get me wrong! But that is truly a moment in anyone's life that is scary and it provides inspiration to kids with diseases that they can still do what they love to do.

  10. How could you knock either of them? Both of these stories are great and encouraging for the people affected by these diseases and the game of baseball.

  11. Hamilton. No doubt about it. He was a perfect player and had the skills to be an all-star if not a hall of famer. Then he had drug and alcohol issues. His wife and other close relatives and friends gave Hamilton support to get back into shape and play baseball. He says he regrets all his tatoos. That is an extreme turn around. He is one of the best players in the game right now only after a half a season of greatness. If thats not a star and a comeback story, I don't know what is.

  12. Josh, he had to quit doing durgs and stop drinking that is sooooooo hard. He also turned to GOD .

  13. It's hard to pick, but i am sick of hearing about hamilton.  I mean what he did was great, and to come back from what he has been through is nothing short of amazing.  but he did that to himself.  Jon Lester had no control of what happened to him, and another name that should be thrown out there is rick ankiel(nothing physically wrong with him other than not being able to throw a strike) but he is also a great story)  the sad part is the only reasons these guys make headlines is b/c they are professional athletes.  hundreds of millions of people have cancer and drug addiction, but unless you are related/friends with one of them its not a big deal

  14. Josh Hamilton.

  15. Rick Ankiel, just sayin'

  16. Both because each of them came back from extreme things to be stars in the MLB

  17. Hamilton

  18. Jon Lester for sure, he didn't choose to get cancer, Hamilton chose to blow his signing bonus money on drugs. So in a real sense we wouldn't talking about Hamilton if he didn't make the bonehead decision to do drugs.

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