
Who's computer are you using?

by  |  earlier

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just seeing how many kids are here on there "parent's" computers




  1. I'm using a mac book on display in the Apple store in the mall.

  2. mine. all mine. well i didn't buy it, it was a christmas gift last year, but it is mine, and registered under my name....  

  3. I'm using my own custom-built computer.

  4. These are my computers.

    This one, is an AMD based custom build, in a great Antec Superlanboy case.  My laptop is a Toshiba A75 I got for free as a repair recovery.  My other desktop is an Intel based custom build.

    But I own them.  They are mine.

    (so this guy is just wasting our time, and isn't going to vote for anyone, since there *is* no best answer?  Great.)

  5. I have a lot of computers.  Eleven are running right now but I could fire up a few more if you want.

    They are all bought and paid for.

    I also have some that are customer property and some that were seized and I am analyzing or cracking right now.

    My mom is 95.  I will call and ask her if any are hers.  But I am sure they aren't.

  6. my computer... ?

  7. I live alone. i am using my own personal computer

  8. My Dell Optiplex 210L

  9. A Black Macbook.  

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