
Who's cooler Phil Mickelson or Tiger, not who's better?

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Who's cooler Phil Mickelson or Tiger, not who's better?




  1. Tiger by far.   Hotter wife, money, better winner, sweet  boat,  has his own sports drink........but the overall answer is......tiger does not have man b*****s, and phil does

  2. Tiger is cooler, better, and richer.

    thats the trifecta

  3. Tiger by far.  It's not a fair comparison.

  4. I think Phil would be a cooler person to hang with!

  5. You first have to define "cool."

    Since Phil is my favorite player, and I like him much more than I do Tiger, I'd say Phil is.

  6. What do you mean by cooler?  Coolest under pressure is Tiger!  Coolest dresser is Tiger!  Coolest overall is Tiger!

  7. Phil is was cooler, Tiger smashes kids cameras.  Phil replaces watches is he breaks them, Tigger takes cameras and breaks them.  Giving away Super Bowl tickets is a pretty cool thing to do.  Phil rules!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Phil, very cool guy. They are both cool, but I'd give the edge to Phil the thrill.

  9. For the record, though I don't like Phil Mickelson,  I think he is the most talented player on the planet. He just is not the best player on the planet. Tiger Woods is the best on the planet. I will defer and refer to my daughters' test for "cool." Her test is the question: "Who just looks 'cool' standing in one place doing nothing?" Well, that would be Tiger Woods.  Mickelson still looks like the guy waiting to pick his nose when he thinks no one is looking.

  10. Phil's the cooler guy. I seen them both a lot, after making a shot Phil's more relaxed than Tiger.

  11. If by cooler you mean who would I rather have a beer with after the round, then that's a tough question. Both seem nice enough, but really not all that interesting. Of all the golfers past and present, my list would be(in no particular order) Ray Floyd, Lee Trevino, Arnold Palmer, John Daly and Peter Jacobson. I would put David Feherty, but I don't really consider him a golfer. Same with Mccord.

  12. Tiger!! He even has his own Gatorade!

  13. You gotta go with Tiger

  14. Phil is cooler.

    Everything Tiger does looks rehearsed in a mirror. This is the way I'll look when the put lips out. This is my straight faced walking up 18 look.

    I've watched Jack for 35 odd years and never saw him get sand in his eyes from a bunker shot or have to stop his swing once a tournament within close range of a camera

  15. Under pressure, Tiger is cooler. Phil has blown quite a few Sunday rounds.

  16. who ?

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