
Who's excited about Thursday? GCSE results!?

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  1. Im niether scared nor excited.

    They're just results at the end of the day and I am confident that I got the results I needed for my College courses, not to mention the fact that I plan on going to University.

    If you do go to college, they aren't that important. Yes your employer will look at them, but they'll pay more attention to your A-Levels. Even more so if you go to University because they'll pay the most attention to your Degree or whatever.

  2. by excited, do you mean terrified?

    in that case, i'm excited too

  3. Nope, I don't want mine. I'm happy as I am relaxing to be honest.

    Suppose we have to collect them, I worked really hard for mine.

  4. Oh its getting very much closer by the second..

    Im nervous, but just want to get them over and done with..we have a second set of results on saturday also :O

  5. Excited???

    More like petrified!

    Good luck everyone with your results :)

  6. I'm so scared, honestly

    are you excited? If you are, see a doctor

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