
Who's excited for the debates?

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I know I am?


Obama and McCain will tie in debates. Obama might have an edge (the equivilent of a butter knife)

Palin will get destroyed by Biden.





  2. Can't wait.. I already figure McCain will trounce Obmaa as long as he doesn't lose his temper.. after all.. Obama won;'t have anything to say without a teleprompter.  He will stutter himself to death.

    Should be interesting to see Palin and Biden.. Biden is tough... I hope she is ready and he isn't too much of a bully.  If he is mean.. he will not make any friends either.

  3. It will be very interesting to see how BO does without a teleprompter and a written script. Can anyone figure out why BO WILL NOT consent to the "Town Hall" debates that McCain has suggested, BO wraps his tongue around his lips when asked something that is not prepared ahead of time and stutters and stammers trying to figure out what to say. Then there is the issue where he might be forced to give a legitimate answer to some of the little nagging questions concerning his past affiliations and his past in general.

    Words and "great" speeches really mean nothing when ALL of the evidence shows that every stinking bit of it is nothing more than a smoke screen to win the Presidency.

    Though most of what follows are little things, you need to ask yourself why?

    Why will he not wear an American Flag lapel pin as all other Congress and Senate members do?

    Why will he not place his hand over his heart and recite the Pledge of Allegiance?

    Why is he un-willing to sing the National Anthem?

    Why does he think there are 57 states in the USA? There are 57 Islamic states though!

    Why did he sit in a church for nearly 20 years with Wright spouting racist and anti-American filth and not disown the church before he thought he would hurt his chances to become president?

    Why would he associate with a man that plotted and carried out attacks against the US Government, a man that was not brought to justice because of a technicality, (illegal wire tap)?

    Why will he not be open and forth coming concerning his birth name and his birth citizenship?

    Why or what affect did attending a radical Muslim school during his formative years have on him?

    Why 3 months back his Grandmother was nothing more than a typical white women and now today he is all but calling her a Saint?

    Why are his ideas for America, Socialist and Marxist when he is running for president of a Capitolist/Democratic country?

    All the Obama supporters will blow this off as lies or "It's been addressed" neither of which are true, all of this has been brought into the open but NONE of it has been addressed, mainly due to a very liberal media and Obama has never given clear and concise answers to a single G O D  D A M N question about him, his past or his current

    associates and beliefs.

    It's not because he is black, it is because he is Anti-American! Anyone that looks at him openly and honestly will see that this is the truth, anyone that bothers to truly look at him as opposed to just swooning over his delivery of very good and well written speeches will see that he is the Manchurian candidate.

    All that is ever said is "Change" "Hope" "I'm not Bush" and of course the subliminal race card to get the "guilt" vote.

  4. McCain / Palin 08!!!

  5. I'm so excited ..

    to see Obama destroy Mccain that is .. =]

  6. I can't wait to see biden get smacked down.She is gonna rip him a new one.

  7. Actually John McCain asked for more debates with Obama but since he only does well when he has a teleprompter and does so poorly in debates he said no.  So don't be prejudging that Obama can overcome his fear enough to tie in a debate with Mccain.  As far as Biden and Palin I think it will definitely be interesting to watch and we will see.

  8. The Repugnants had better practice.

    One smokes dope and he other is senile.

  9. I am!!

    I think Obama will out-do McCain.

    (McCain won't have Lieberman, remember?)

    But yes, I must agree about the VP candidates; Biden will put her in tears.

  10. I strongly disagree,If they have no Teleprompters,Obama doesn't have a chance.As far as Palin,if she was strong enough to resign her post,whistle blow on her own party to correct our basic conservative values,facing opposition all the way,I don't think Biden knows whats about to hit Him.

  11. I agree with you on Biden and I think Obama will look so young and vital on the stage with McCain that it will be a landslide.  

    Either way, this is the best campaign in 2 generations.  Either way the country wins!

  12. yeah that sounds about right. But I do think that Obama needs to practice to sound less cautious and uncertain of what he's saying. The issues are at his back. But McCain will speak readily. Obama can't be uh uh'ing through the whole debate. He may well be right in what he says, but if he's not as direct as McCain it will be a wash.

    And yes, Palin will get destroyed by Biden in the debates. I don't see any way around that. Even the McCain campaign has stated to reporters "its only one night".

  13. That's what I've been sayin'! XD

    Hillary is leagues more intelligent than both McCain and Palin and Barrack was able to beat her or at the very least hold his own against her.

    Biden is a no-nonsense debater with tons of more national experience.

    This is gonna be good for BO/JB

    Ding Ding

  14. Yep!

    Can't wait to see the VEEP debate! It is guaranteed to break viewership records. I'll bet the advertisers are already lining up to get spots.

    Question #1 - Are you ready to take over as Commander-in Chief?

    hahahahaha and a Oh boy!

  15. Barry O needs a teleprompter so he will lose any debate.

    Palin is bright and will be a quick study. She will be a dark horse at the debates and she will win.

  16. First of all, McCain is going to tear Hussein a new one. Secondly, Biden and Palin will be a great debate. Biden has the experience to buffalo the Dems. while the republicans will see straight through his "used car salesman" tactics. Palin is bull headed enough to tell it how it is. CAN'T WAIT for the bashing

  17. h**l yeah!!! McCain is like a retarded child, so I doubt he'll do well. But Palin looks feisty. Her And Biden are going to be entertaining.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Definatly, and i CANT WAIT!!!

  19. So wrong!  Palin will not be destroyed by Biden. No way!  You will see I was right.

  20. Looking more forward to Gov Barracuda Palin shutting up Biden

  21. I am..

    God, Palin is a little lap dog compared to the Biden "pitbull," she's going to get mauled... Or as my mom said, since Biden is nice about it and nice to women, he'll just give one fast bite to the throat and be done with it.

  22. Obama will be saying many uhs and ums while McCain attacks him on the issues. As for Palin and Biden, Biden has a huge edge (except on abortion) never underestimate the power of a woman.

  23. I think Obama will defeat McCain, although it will be close

    and Biden will, like you said, DESTROY Palin

  24. I'm tingling with anticipation. I think people give Biden too much credit. Insults won't cut it forever.

    Obama will have no edge. He will squirt in his drawers.

  25. McCain will win because

    1 - his answers are honest

    2 - Obama won't answer questions that are above his "pay grade"

    And I think you people better to some searching to get information on Sarah Palin.  She's tough, and she's not afraid to put someone in their place...she'll show Biden up so bad he'll want to crawl in a hole.  

    but of course the libs will say Obama won no matter what.  They think he did so good at the Saddleback church debate when actually he looked like an idiot.

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