
Who's fault in a car accident when both cars were turning right?

by Guest44967  |  earlier

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Car A was getting out of side street - a', making a right turn to the main road, and car B was also getting out of another side street -b' on opposite side (one house block length gab between these two side streets) also making a right turn.

Let's say, the car B proceeded only 1-2 seconds earlier, speed up and hit the car A on the front right wheel, while the car B was turning right on the angle, who's fault it would be?

There is no traffice light. Just two cars sort of facing each other (a couple of house block distance), both making a right turn to get into the main road.

Hopefully, what I've said is clear for you.




  1. They are both at fault.  

    Neither was to the  proper side of the road and leaving room for the other to pass.

    Neither waited to see what the other driver was going to do.

    Neither got the Hades out of the other way,  but sat there stupidly and ran into the other.

  2. I would say that car (B) would be at fault.

  3. huh

  4. I would throw both of you in jail. Either of you was watching what was going on at the time. Sounds like road rage to me.

  5. Are you in Ireland/UK? in Europe or North America this description wouldn't make sense since two cars making right turns from opposite sides shouldn't conflict with each other, so I'll assume you are in a place where you drive on the left side.

    That said - if car B was on the main road first and car A was still pulling out, I would say it's mostly, if not entirely, car A's fault since car B established itself on the main road, and once there they have the right of way. The insurance company might give partial blame to car B for not seeing this coming, but I doubt it.

    Shame on both drivers for not looking enough to see the potential conflict and avoid the accident though - if they were really that close together this should have been easily avoidable.

  6. Usually..if two cars reach an intersection at the same time...the one that got there first..has the right of way. driver or the other will motion for the other one to go first..but if that doesn't happen...then like I said..the one that got there first has the right of way.

    If car B pulled out 1 to 2 seconds earlier than car A....then..the accident would be car A's fault.

  7. well. first you should have someone inspect the damages and then determine who's at fault for the accident. If it can't be determined, then you both should just have your own insurances to cover the damages.

  8. They couldn't have hit each other if they were both turning right on opposite sides of the street.  They would have been turning away from each other.

  9. If the main road is two-way and one where you are supposed to drive on the right-hand side (like most U.S. roads), then whoever was on the wrong side.

    If the main road is one-way, then whoever turned the wrong way.

    If the main road is two-way and one where you are supposed to drive on the left-hand side (like most British roads), then A, because A should not have pulled out of the side street when B was on the main road and approaching A.

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