
Who's fault is it a virgo or a gemini's?

by  |  earlier

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im a female virgo and my boyfriend is a gemini.

right now, we are living a bit far away because im in college.

yesterday he told me he was going to hang out with some friends in a sports bar and I got upset because I dont know these friends of his and I couldnt go out with him. so I told him not to go and he didnt like it, but he told me that he loved me so much that he was not going out that night just so I wont feel left out. I told him he needed to prove it, by calling me last night and he agreed he was going to call me. I was waiting for the call at night and he never called, I was so angry I turned off the phone. The next day he called me and I answered the phone to ask him, why didnt he call. He said he did called a little later than midnight, but that my phone was turned off. I didnt believe him at all, because if he would have called me it would record in the cell phone and it did show any new calls. He confessed he went to his friends house and from there his friends left to the sports bar but he decided to return home and thats when he called me. I dont beleive a word he says and I know its a lie, otherwise I would have know in the cell phone. he says us virgos are a pain in the neck, but I say they lie to get away with things, if he knows I hate lies, then why would he lie.

my question is, why do geminis lie so much and try to convenience people of their lies?

do you think I had the right to be mad?




  1. lol....your definitely a virgo :)

    girl don't control your man.

    let him go party....esp a gemini. god u cannot control this kinda sign. gemini has 2 personality. also if u want your relationship doesn't matter what sign he was......always give them if u don't the more.....he'll start hiding things to u....if i were u....pretend that u don't care if he goes out......girl u should go out too..... ENJOY life......

    don't just FOCUS yourself with this kinda if not it will hurt u BADLY later.

    have TRUST and don't be a negative person.....guys don't like that :)

    so chilax......

  2. Gemini tend to make up stuff alot. A lot, a lot. They have all these ideas inside their head that they just want to blurt it out and make up stories. This seems more like a typical relationship problem though.

    Setting astrology aside -- why be in a relationship when there is no trust? The reason why I ask is because you obviously don't seem to trust him enough to just go out with his friends. Why force him to stay home alone and not have fun or put him in a scenerio where he has to choose between you and his friends? That's just childish in my opinion, you're in college not middle school. I know I may be souding a little blunt right now yet it has very little to do with astrology and Gemini and Virgo incompatibility -- it has to do with your fears, lack of confidence and lack of trust. The reason I come to that conclusion is because a perfectly normal, healthy relationship where both partners trust one another and respect one another and truly love one another will not face these kinds of problems. They will not make their partners choose between friends and themselves and will not want their partnet to not have a life outside their relationship or be happy with others. You're not a child anymore and it isn't a very mature thing to do. "Oh, like, OMG, I am so pissed. I am going to turn off my phone now and make him beg me forgiveness the next day!"... come on, you see what I mean? Childish.

    I don't believe you have the right to be mad. In fact, your boyfriend should be the one who should be pissed for having a girlfriend that doesn't trust him to even go out and have fun. A girlfriend that is selfish enough to not be willing to sacrifize a night alone for the sake of her partner's happiness. I'd be p**s. Heck, I'd rather not be pissed but single.

    Good luck though, perhaps one day you will mature, grow up and see that these types of mistakes are so little and lack any importance at all. I hope one day you will be able to look back and laugh at such silly things.

  3. Both of your faults.

    Your fault because your too clingy ... give him more freedom.

    His fault for lying.

    (I would be more worried about him... if he lies about this what will he lie about next?)

  4. Gemini's fault.

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