
Who's fault is it that nobody knows who Sarah Palin is?

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From what I'm seeing, it is those who are willing to back a potential president that thinks the United States is composed of 57 states! Oh, wait, throw in Alaska that makes 58!?

Did you notice that Hillary pointed this out in her speech? Mentioning Alaska? Do you think she knew something already? Maybe Hillary had heard of Sarah? Obama had not?




  1. First question: Sarah Palin herself is at fault. Who the heck cares who she is? There is still no chance of McCain winning! Especially now that he has some soccer mom, ex wanna be beauty queen on the ticket! Oh but wait there is more! She has been governor of Alaska for less than two years! Also did you know that the population of Alaska is less than that of Los Angeles County alone? Yep that's experience alright! *rolling eyes*

  2. Obama is out of touch with reality.

  3. Good point.

    Palin hunts moose and baits her own fish hook. She's a life long NRA member. She's is more of a man than Obama is.

  4. Ever hear of Donald Carcieri or Chet Culver?

    one is the Governor of Rhode Island the other Iowa..

    now you know why no one knows Palin

  5. I'd rather back a President that misspoke and said 57 states than one who doesn't know how many houses he owns and thinks Czechoslovakia is still a country.

  6. Even McCain doesn't know who she is.

    This is ridiculous.  

    She must have made QUITE a impression the one time he met her!  LOL.

  7. I read about Sarah a couple of months ago when she was listed as a possible (albeit long shot) for the nomination.  I liked what I read then and I still do.  

  8. Well to answer your initial question: The Media. And partially because Alaska is so isolated.

  9. I take it that you don't have a coherent thought or point, just ramblings that you type as they pop into your head.

  10. Mccain didnt know who she was Met her once  

  11. McCain barely knows who she is. Reports are coming out that he met her in person ONCE back in February and out of the blue called her last week to offer the job. Politics over substance yet again? It really would be Bush's third term.

  12. I knew who she was, she won the Gov seat in Alaska and so on.

    I read, it isn't that hard.

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