
Who's fault would it be?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so three hours ago i was leaving lunch, i got to my car, and someone parked on the drivers side extremely close to me, so close that i had to get in on the passenger side, so i started backing out and i ended up scraping the other car, i just drove away but i felt guilty so i want to report it to the police, but before i do, whose fault is it? Is it mine for scraping the car, or is it the other guy for a very poor parking job?




  1. Legally it's your fault. Morally it's his. Everyone knows not to park that close. Don't feel guilty, if it were me I would done worse.

  2. This would be your fault.......

  3. It's your fault. You were driving your car - the other car was parked. Hopefully, there's no surveillance cameras that recorded your hit and run accident.

  4. I'm afraid it was your fault.

    Yes, he did a bad job parking his car, but then you were the one that caused the damage.

    You can forget getting any sympathy from the police as you left the scene and it is only your word for it that his car was parked to close.

    The second you out your keys in the ignition and decided to drive off, you were in control of your vehicle and it was your judgement whether it was safe to drive off or not. Even if he was parked so close, it should have been possible to pull off without hitting his car and even if it wasn't you are still liable since you shouldn't have driven known you would be damaging another vehicle.

    Yes the guy made a mistake when parking, but since they did not damage your vehicle and only caused you a bit of inconvenience, is it fair that they should be left with a bill of hundreds for a respray?

  5. it's obvious that he's he's fault for him parking poorly.  BUT once you report it they will probably blame you, because you were the one who backed out and cause the scrap.  You do not have any proof that the car was park poorly.  

  6. Fault,,,, like what kind of fault.

    Criminal fault - yours, hit and run.  

    Libel for damages, depends on where you live.  Each state has different laws concerning negligence, and the effect of contributory negligence.  In some states, it's an even split, if the guy was 20% responsible by parking over the space, you are responsible for the damages, minus his 20%.  In NC, if the other party has one percent contributory negligence, then everyone pays for their own damage.  Now, are you concerned about the damages, or the criminal charges for hit and run.  

    It may seem like the easy thing to do now, just live and learn, but..... how are you going to feel if a policeman steps onto your porch tonight.

  7. it's your fault. I suggest keeping quiet.  

  8. You are at fault. You hit a parked car, but they got what was coming to them.  

  9. Keep quite. The car owner is obviously a loser for parking so close to  to your car, there is no way he would not have noticed how close he was parked. Althought the police would probably say it is your fault I would leave it, the idiot got what he deserved. =)

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