
Who's for Obamah?

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"One man can change a room. And if he can change a room, he can change a building. And if he can change a building, he can change a state. If he can change a state, he can change the country. And if he can change a country, he can change the word."

- Obamah

Who's for Obamah? I hope this guy is our next president. I think he can help get us further out of this economic sinkhole,

establish peace in the midde east, and just give america a new high. Unfortunately, I do predict assasination attempts from some racist southerners or anyone else. I'm sure you believe. If you're not for Obamah, why? Don't say taxes as your reasons you selfish Bache Le Gouts. Let's face it, taxes must be passed around to keep America at a balance. So Who are you for? If you are for Hillary, don't even post that as a response.




  1. I am all the way for Obamah! he better be our next president! we need to  him to change this country back to something we love!

  2. Sorry but I'm for McCain

  3. President's decisions are not scripted, which means Obama will do a horrible job.

  4. I am for mcain...I don't know why it is just that obama gets a lot of stuff that is either true or untrue but if it is true then he could make bad decisions for our country! That is why im going for mcain

  5. Obviously your not for him if you can't even spell his name right I believe your referring to Barack OBAMA, and NO I'm not for him- I am for HILLARY CLINTON hopefully she'll be vice president

  6. Why do you spell his name with an H at the end?

  7. im not!

  8. Many Americans lets see What he does

  9. Ugh! Democrats just want others to share THEIR wealth. I hate the whole idea of that, because some of us actually have families that work hard for their money and shouldn't have to give half of it away to lazy people. I realize some people need the help and are physically weak, but most are just trying to find the easy way out. Everyone has the opportunity to make something of themselves, to go to college, and to make a living. Some of you may say that you didn't have the money for college. Well, make good grades by studying and get a scholarship. Seriously, the democrate way is just an easy way out, and that is wrong. So no, I am not for Obama. McCain, at least has a lot of Naval experience and can guide our nation through a war, if faced with one, and believe me, we will be! Peace is a false idea, because in a world full of hate, peace does not exist. Change only comes when everyone tries to change, not just one man. I believe that we should have a competient man in office, like McCain, who is ready for war, not spreading the false idea of peace and change.

  10. I'm a Republican for Obama.  I don't care about this whole lack of experience argument.  It doesn't fly.  This man is trying to get the American people involved with the government again.  What made Clinton or Kennedy so experienced?  Not much.  Obama will be our next president.

    And, by the way, there are lots of Northern Racists too.  Boyertown, PA and Allentown are hubs for the KKK up here.  Pretty sad that people like that even still exist.

  11. Obama '08

    I agree with your tax statements and so on....

    Good Points!

    (Obama has no 'h')

  12. I think you mean Obama...

    Well my mom certainly isn't 'for Obamah'.
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