Iv'e got somone living on some property I own, him and his family has been on my property since Sep. of 07. I did not give them the right to live there. But some how they where able to get the utilites tured on and I can not get them off. I have contacted the Atty. Gen. office no luck there, i have contacted the Health Dep.Becouse the property need a suwer treetment sysyem put in before power could be turned on. The Health Dep. Told me that they had never was called to insepct that property and that the power should have never been turned on. But thats as far as that went. Iv'e been told to get a lawer easyer said then done. I'm going through another fight with workmans comp. I have no income. We live off my wifes in come only. I have tryed to get legal help and was told that they did not have the funds. The thing about it is i now try to live right. In the day i was a Crip, thats a gang. I still have contact with the gang. Should i just have them solve my problum?. Since the law won't