
Who's going for Obama?

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Who's going for Obama?




  1. The intelligent voters

  2. I am.

  3. What a nice political way to start a riot.

  4. ME!! and all my friends and family, YAY, Obama/Biden 08!!!

  5. Fools, socialists, and lobotomy patients.

  6. I certainly am.  I believe our choice is more distinct this year than it has been any time since I can remember.  What you have, basically, is a choice between an intelligent, progressive, charismatic leader or a tired old man who wants to continue the same basic policies we've had under GWB.  

    We are in a crisis, whether we acknowledge it or not.  We have global warming to deal with at once just to survive, an economy that is so sadly broken we could be said to be bankrupt as a nation.  We have a war that never should have been started and must be ended as soon as possible, and Bin Laden still hides in his cave.  We have more people out of work, and more people working harder and being more productive for less purchasing power.  We have people losing their homes, and people losing sleep wondering whether they are going to lose their homes, their jobs, everything they have.  Millions of us are one illness or accident short of bankruptcy, or are suffering from conditions that are not covered by their medical insurance and no hope of doing anything about it.

    Yes, I'm for Obama 100%.

  7. All people who want to get out of the mess the republicans have gotten this country into.  Bush and all his corporate buddies have brought this country to its knees.  We literally cannot afford, monetarily and militarily any more warmongers and sympathizers of the oil industry in office.  Our country is bankrupt!  

  8. His wife, and other terrorist..and a couple idiot libs, thats about it.

  9. IDIOTS!

  10. f**s, blacks, and drug users.

    pretty much all the librel scumes of the u.s.

  11. All New Orleans looters.

  12. Not since Palin came on the scene

  13. The Brainwashed....

  14. athiests and pro abortion (murderers)

  15. Young Adults


    Middle Class

    About 70% Of Hillary Supporters

    A Person Who Just Sees The Word Republican and Picks The Opposite  
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