
Who's going to file Chapter 11 first? Chrysler, Ford or GM?

by Guest55915  |  earlier

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Growing up, my parents had Chrsylers and Fords and these cars constantly broke down. Now that I am grown up, I swore I would never buy anything from big 3 and I haven't. I don't feel sorry that these dirty 3 are going broke. Thanks to our government, we are not stuck with S****y cars that broke down often. If it wasn't for the Japanese car manufacturers, the dirty 3 would never care about quality and keep producing horrible SUVs and Trucks. I hope they all go. I don't care about cars as long as it gets me from point a to point b reliably, our country still makes the best planes, best fighter jets, best pharmaceutical in the world.




  1. Chrysler

  2. Chrysler will the first one.

    union and high  labor cost will destory these big 3

  3. GM they do not seem to be selling a lot and they are loosing popularity so they seem next.

  4. Ford.  Within six months, due to an avalanche of unsalable trucks and SUVs coming off lease and onto Ford's balance sheet.

    Chrysler has some private equity backers that may give it a little more leeway.

    GM diversified away from autos through the years, with Hughes Aircraft, EDS, GMAC and others, that may give it a little more cushion.

  5. The rumor (strongly) is Chrysler.  Between the other two, they are saying Ford has more time to burn cash, but it's already mortgaged its physical assets.  GM hasn't. So Ford is in worse financial shape, in my opinion, but it's actually in less immediate danger of running out of money.

    I had to laugh at several talking heads on financial networks.  More than one said there was not any immediate danger for Ford and GM.  They could continue to operate until Christmas without going broke.  Hoo, boy!  I guess there's nothing to worry about then!  6 months is a looooong time!!

    I keep saying this, but none of them ever had a l**k of survival instinct.  It just beats all I've ever seen.

  6. Chrysler.   I would'nt be suprised if in the end Ford does too.  My dad like you has never thought of buying an American made car, for the reasons you mentioned above, and that they are less fuel efficeint.  I hate the Trucks, that these three make,  i hate trucks in general,  why would you need a truck unless you need to transport something enormously big which would not fit in a regular sized car?  It gets on my nerve seeing people down here in Florida drive these trucks,  maybe one of the good things that we'll get out of the High gas prices is that Ford, GM, Chrysler, will all drop there truck lines, and put in some effort in making a alternative fuel car, which will change the world.  They do that and they will no longer be in the hole that they are in now.....  i would have to agree with you about the planes/fighter planes.  The only problem i see, is that these great planes come at a ridiculously high price even for fighter planes.

  7. It will be Chrysler and Gm  will be next if they do not get it going ,Ford was ahead of the game and it will work out  for them

  8. Oh, it will most certainly be GM. Not only are they currently right on deck preparing to go under, but they are also the one that most deserves to.

    Over the past several years with the notable exception of Cadillac Division, they have managed to produce the ugliest, poorest quality automobiles ever to appear off an assembly line outside of China!

    And they will go down in history for producing the UGLIEST car in the entire history of the auto industry (while vilely insulting our southern neighbor in the process) Even 200 years into the future, the AZTEC will remain as the absolute lowest point of the American automobile industry! (Who would have ever thought that the Gremlin could EVER have been outdone?)

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