
Who's going to have the most medals in the Olympics?

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I would love to say the uk but I'm afraid it will proberly be China, what do you think?




  1. the most? USA

    the most gold (obviously more prestigious)? China

  2. I expect the US to land up with the greatest number of medals. Now that the track and field events are in  full swing they will overtake China.

  3. LOL haha, am I the only one that notices something here? EVERYTIME China ties the US or even has the lead with the most medals, people come on here asking who will win in the long run.

    Anyways, China is playing really good and I think they will take the most Gold. But I hope the US can take the most medals in general, it's going to be a tight race!

  4. I dont know, it'll be tough,

    right now USA is lleading in medal count by 2 medals but i think China could get back into the lead.

    Its anyones game for the most medals.

  5. The US because right now they are tied with China and all the events that the Chinese dominate are completed.

  6. um i am strongly against the olympics in general but having them in china really iritates me.

  7. china, duh they have 45 or somethin insane like that that 30 more than we got and twice as much as america.

  8. agree with Heather, you didn't say gold medals, you asked "who's going to have the most medals"...and now that all the biased judging events are over with and we're down to volleyball, track n field, basketball....the USA is already leading overall medal count by 2 over China, so it's looking really good for the US.  

  9. michael phelps.

  10. China of course.

  11. its almost impossible that china don't get the most gold but i think it will be close between china and the U.S.A as to who gets the most overall  

  12. china obvs cos they are entered in like every competition and i think they are so far away now we cant catch them up

  13. China by a streak.

    But in the US, the media are using a different table which ranks nations according to how many medals won (i.e. a bronze and silver are worth the same as a gold) rather than in respect of golds first, which is the accepted form everywhere else.

    So basically, if you are in the USA you will say USA, but ask the question anywhere else in the world and the answer is China first, followed by the USA.

    As for us, we'll do very well to finish third.  Regardless of whether or not we are pushed back into fourth, it is looking like it could be our biggest medal haul in a century.  We're already there in terms of gold medals, which is even better than it was in 1980 and 1984 when the USA and then the USSR boycotted the games.

  14. We will just wait and see because china's dominate events are over(i think) and usa still have golds to win so its either china or usa=]

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