
Who's going to win first?

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Matt Kenseth, Jeff Gordon, Tony Stewart, or Dale Jr.? I have to say it will be Matt this weekend.




  1. I think Matt will do well this week, but I'm thinking a top five instead of a win. I believe Carl will win this week. In light of that, I pick Jeff Gordon to win first at Sonoma.

  2. Tony Stewart ,because it's been a long dry spell

  3. Kenseth is due but so are Smoke n Junior.

    Smoke because now is when he get his momentum goin'

    Junior because he has been very consistent and sooo close all year so far. Gimme the thumbs down now, I can handle it. Peace n Smiles :0)

    Good luck to all your drivers this weekend!

  4. Martin Truex Jr.

  5. Jack said....   ''This is Brooklyn ''[MICHIGAN''] !!!

  6. theres only one correct answer for this question and that's the #24 car  jeff gordon!!!

  7. I like Dale Junior to win, he does fairly well at Michigan. Hopefully it will be his weekend.

  8. Dale, Jr all the way to piggy bank. He's been so close lately it's just a matter of time before he gets his win.

  9. gotta go Stewart next week at sonoma Matt's real consistent at MIS but i dont see him getting more than a top 5. MIS is a fuel/weather race someone will gamble and snag a win.... but hopefully it's a roush driver!

  10. Being a Dale Jr fan, I'd love to see him win first..But I have a feeling Matt Kenseth is going to win this weekend..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  11. TONY STEWART ALL THE WAY. It is getting hotter, so will Tony. I think he will win soon, VERY SOON!

  12. I think its going to be Smoke because he always picks up about this time of year and he is ready.  He is ready to climb the fence.

  13. Wow, this is extremely tough.  I'd have to go with Jeff Gordon just because he has run up front a lot this year and Infineon is next week.  It could easily be any of them, though.  They have all had decent runs and led laps this year, just some bad luck and unfortunate circumstances that held them back.

    3 STR N 08!!!

  14. I agree, Matts gonna win!

    Reason, Fords have been traditionally good at Michigan, although this is the first time the COT has been to Michigan but a Ford(Carl Edwards) did win Fontana and that track is very similar to Michigan.

  15. GORDON

  16. # 88 Dale Jr Hes Earned it

  17. Well once again I'm gonna say (and hope and pray) that it will be Jr but I think Tony might be the one to get his first win of the season!!

  18. That's a tough question to answer. Here is how I would rank them based on the sizes of the tracks and the performances of the driver on similar tracks so far this season and last year

    On 1.5 to 2.0 mile tracks: Kenseth, Dale Jr, Stewart, Gordon

    On 1.0 mile tracks or less/flat tracks: Gordon, Stewart, Dale Jr, Kenseth

    On the Road Courses: Gordon or Stewart(hard to pick between the two), Dale Jr, Kenseth

    On Restrictor Plate Tracks: Dale Jr, Gordon, Stewart, Kenseth

    Based on the schedule for the next few races, I say this week is a great chance for Kenseth to win since Ford has pretty much dominated at Michigan. I look for Gordon to win next week in Sonoma though his main competiton will be Stewart. Dale Jr can break through and win anywhere with the equipment he has this year, but I'll go ahead and say he'll win Daytona in July. Stewart really doesn't heat up until the summer when the tracks are hot and slick. That said I look for Stewart to challenge Gordon at Sonoma, be a contender at NHMS and Daytona, but I see him winning at least one race sometime in July.

  19. Matt would have the best chance because Michigan is a "ROUSH" track.  I am going to the race and am rooting for Ryan Newman however!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I am going with Matt Kenseth. His team seams to have turned it around. And he always seems to do really good at Michigan so maybe this weekend is his weekend.

  21. Kenseth or Jr.  

    Kenseth because he is hot lately and Michigan isn't too bad too him.

    Jr. because he has been dominant all season but just hasn't finished.

  22. Matty!!!!!!!!!!

    egh Yes i think Matt will win too.........................

    and yes i pick Matty cuz he's consistent too

  23. dale jr

  24. i've been tricked and i hate to say it but i pick gordon....sorry dale sr....she made me say it

  25. I agree with Matt having a real good chance. Tony has also been very consistent at Michigan, but don't overlook Carl.

  26. hum i am going to have to go with Dale.Jr

    because hes been doing really well and came very close to winning

  27. stewart  he gets rolling  in june and july

  28. Paul Menard

    sorry but i had too say it i'm a big fan and would like too see him win

  29. Tony, he is overdue.

  30. Im going with Tony Stewart.

  31. Well I am hoping for Jeff Gordon or Dale Jr but if Smoke or Matt won that would be cool too !

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