
Who's got the worst club song?

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For me, I can't stand the West Coast theme song and it has nothing to do with being a Geelong boy (ie. 92', 94')




  1. idk

  2. Fremantle for sure

  3. All the songs are different and do tell alot about the team and where they are from, the West Coast song does suit it being Western Australia, but is by far one of the worst songs.

    I would think Sydneys, Ports and Geelongs are pretty good, i have heard every song, except for Melbourne and Richmond, i highly doubt that i will ever hear Melbournes, well atleast in my lifetime.

    I think all of them are pretty horrible, well pretty close too it, and they all need new tunes, most of em are back in the cave men ages, and the 70's, Something NEW.

  4. Yeah, the WCE one is a shocker. But I think Port have the worst song.

  5. fremantle by far

  6. defnitely Freo such a drone

  7. All club songs are bad

    because when you hear them it means

    your team has lost

  8. freos is by FAR the worst theme song, followed closely by wce and port.

    saints have the most catchiest one, and the tigers is ALWAYS stuck in my head. but melbournes, being one of the oldest, is proberly the more traditional.

  9. A toss-up between the Tigers & Collingwood.

  10. Even though i like Geelong i dont like there club song, or carltons, or Port power or St kildas merely because its when the saints come marching in. cant they think of there own song to come up with instead of copying others?

  11. its oblivious Freo

    Hawks and Port got great 1s

  12. Geelong has the worst - it is terrible.

    Closely followed by;



    St Kilda






  13. Fremantle ......... Heave ho

  14. I think it would have to be the Carlton club song.

  15. its got to be the freo 1 that is terrable

  16. Carlton.

    I hate to admit it but Carltons song is embarrassing.

  17. Gotta say the port song is so corny and irritating, but i guess anything will irritate you after you hear it so many times especially at the end of a game!!!!! Oh how i miss that port song!!!

  18. Freo's aint the best at all.

    Go the lions:)

  19. FREO WAY TO GO,sounds like a wiggles song

    followed by west coast,pt Adelaide

  20. Freo has the worst club song and Port have the worst mascot

  21. yeh the west coast song is truly terrible- with all the 90's electric guitars and everything- really is the worst in the league!

  22. Freo and Port. I also agree with above, if you hear somebody else's song, means you lost.

  23. Port Power's my pick, yeah you'ld think the newer the club the snazzier the song..

    Saints is my fav.... Good ol jingle that gets stuck in my head for hours.. heh

  24. Fremantle is terrible closely followed by West Coast - I figure the newer the club, the worse the song.

  25. nah for me it is the freo one, that is terrible, it's a joke, surely they could get a better one.

  26. Its difficult to say what constitute a "bad" song.

    Is it the lyrics, the tune and/or the people singing it?

    Take for example "...our land is gert by sea" is not one of our prodest lyrics but I love to hear that song on the international arena

    In saying that....not a big fan of Freo's song


  27. i have only listened to 13 songs this year

    i havent listened to Melbourne or WEST COAST or ports

    because none of these teams are winners

    but port song will be played this week

  28. I don't know the west coast one but the freo is pretty c**p. Maybe I'm the only one that actually likes the power song.

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