
Who's in charge of England? The King and/or Queen or the prime ministor?

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i'm from the usa




  1. The 'real' money men.

  2. A very good question and one which has been confusing the majority of Brits for years.

    The UK has enough assets to do away with the monarchy and still attract tourists which is the main reason you hear for retaining it.

  3. Civil Servants. Boorowcrats, Pen Pushers

  4. Prime Minister and Parliament.

    The Monarchy is just there for tradition.

  5. Queen Elizabeth 2nd is in charge of The British Empire which is England, Scotland and Ireland. There is no King until someone replaces the Queen and it will be her grandson William and he will be called King.

  6. The Prime Minister is an elected official of the party with the majority of politicians.  Like the US the politicians are judicially elected officials.  They have the right to make the laws and to protect the countries interest.  

    The Queen is the head figure of the Commonwealth and she only signs off when a bill has been read in three houses of any Commonwealth country.   Like a lawyer in a legal matter places a seal on the case the queen signs the bill and seals it.

  7. There is no King on the throne of England. There is Queen Elizabeth and it is the Prime Minister and his Party who are in charge.

  8. Duh... the prime minister. Who knows how the new guy will run the ship. Queen Elizabeth only waves and looks pretty at her old age of like 90 while Pminister does all the hard work.

  9. The King/Queen and all that is just there for show and history.  They can't even vote if you have a title.  So the primeminister runs the country with parliment.

  10. the monarch (king or queen) is in charge of the uk (and most of the rest of the commonwealth) but because we are a constitutional monarchy s/he is obliged to delegate all executive power to the house of commons (which effectively means the prime minister) when there is one.

    so the monarch has the power, but s/he can use it only through her ministers.

    the elegance of the system comes into play when/ if you have a government which is clearly illegal (as the us had under president nixon for example). if the government of the day are all crooks the monarch can dismiss them (but then has to immediately choose another one).

    in america getting rid of crooks is far more difficult (hence the problems under nixon, during reagan's irangate, and even the starr trials of bill clinton).

    this is why america tends to lock up its very worst criminals in the white house.

  11. the rich people who the priminister bends all the rules for.

    the queen just sits there to look pretty and does ambassator stuff in other countries, we have no king so to speak- though we have a duke- we may have a king if E gives her thrown away (abdicates) or dies.

    - or she may live on past either charles or william or harry and another women may take the lead- either way, they dont have a huge amount of power (if they do they dont do much with it!) and so aren't really in charge.

    As we get to vote, you could say the people are in charge but I dont believe that anyone we vote in wont have theor own interests at heart- its not like they're ever going to increase taxes upon themselves now is it?!

  12. The Parliament and the controlling party within.

  13. PM Queen is symbolic head of state only not main leader!

  14. The Prime Minister is in charge...  

    The monarchy are figurehead positions with little to no power...


  16. the prime minister is in charge the Queen is just a figurehead

  17. the prime minister but he is subject to the queen

  18. that depends on what YOU think of "in charge"

  19. The Prime minister is in charge under the direction of parliment.  The Queen and the royal family are for "show" charities, etc...

  20. Prime Minister is in charge

  21. Well,it is a joint effort actually.The prime minister and his chosen cabinet.Laws passed by the government are then taken to the reigning monarch who signs them into law.I thought Joey was a little harsh,shouldn't we torture him into confession first and then off to the Tower,after all,he is American and that's what they do there.

  22. The prime minister at the time queen is only a figure head.

  23. Prime Minister (think along the lines of our Pres.)

    The King/Queen of England if 'figurative' only.  Meaning that they 'represent' England, much like a photo of the Statue of Liberty is used to represent Freedom or America.  Their position is for show only, to represent the age of Britain and their connection with ancient Rome, reaching back over 2,000 years.  She shows how Britain has a long history of civilized culture, especially as one as a world leader and one of great influence!  That's ALOT for one person to represent, but with their family history, their names, and their titles, they represent the best of Britain (its thought).

  24. Elton John.

  25. Well it's not really the prime minister theres a bit of joint effort. When a law is passed it's taken to the Queen and if she says no its taken to the House of Lords where they then debate on it and it can be approved by them or thrown out. SO I suppose a few people have final say

  26. prime ministor.. king and queen are just for show these days

  27. The British Establishment - made up of the Queen, the Prime Minister, the Security Services, and the British Establishment, oh and secret societies and clubs which combine in one huge clubbable conspiracy - well not really a conspiracy, more a church - if you want to know how it all works download the following book free.

  28. Voters select the political party that will rule (rather than the prime minister); sometimes a coalition forms if no one party has the majority of votes.  

    In a constitutional, or titular, monarchy, even though there is no written constititution, the sovereign reigns but doesn't rule.

  29. YEAH but that doesn't give you the reason to not know.

    It's the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

    Just because you are American doesn't give you the right to be ignorant.

  30. Bono

  31. the party who wins the election thru the prime minster he names

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