
Who's in charge of what type of pitch is to be thrown to the plate during a game.

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I know the pitcher himself can call his pitches and also the catcher and the manager. Can anyone else command a certain pitch to be thrown?




  1. The catcher gives a suggestion but ultimately the pitcher has the final decision.

  2. It is worked out between pitcher, catcher, manager, and pitching coach. They talk ahead of time and between innings, but sometimes have conferences. The ones where the pitching coach comes out to talk to the pitcher might be instructions for pitches to throw, but are usually just to try and calm the pitcher down and get him back on his game. Sometimes the catcher will assert himself too, and come out for a little talk with the pitcher. Ultimately, of course, the pitcher has the deciding vote (since he's pitcher) but if he goes against his manager too much, he may see himself on another team.

  3. the pitching coach can also call the pitches from the dugout

  4. Usually in the majors it is just the pitcher and catcher. The manager usually leaves it to them to call the right pitch in the right situation. No offense but this question is kinda dumb because who else would be calling pitches the shortstop?center fielder? the fans sitting behind homeplate? Its common sense.

  5. The catcher calls the pitches, but a pitcher can shake them off.  The catcher calls for the placement of the pitch also.  A manager is supposed to give signs from the dugout, but they usually aren't pitch calls unless it's for intentional walks or throw downs.  No other position calls pitches, but call for pick off plays.

  6. Pitcher and catcher usually. Pronkd48dh is wrong. although rare, other players can call pitches. Cal Ripken used to call pitches a few times  during his playing career.

  7. The pitcher and the catcher work together on pitch selection, but the pitcher can shake off the catcher so he is ultimately in charge. There are times however when a pitcher will be told to not shake off his catcher - especially a young pitcher throwing to a veteran catcher. Some teams have called the pitches from the bench as well.

  8. It comes from everywhere...but the final decision is the guy throwing the ball. The pitchers ERA, W/L, & Name is on the line afterall! :)

  9. a pitching coach can because he works with the pitchers the most

  10. The catcher usually calls the pitches.  If a pitcher disagrees, because maybe his arm is too tired to throw that certain at the certian time, he would shake it off.  Its a mutual thing.  

    Also sometimes, the pitching coach or the manager will come out to the mound  and discuss how a batter will be pitched rite before the at-bat.

    Its a collective effort for every pitch.

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