
Who's in favour of a new Gold Coast team next year?

by  |  earlier

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I really hope the Kangas get their act together and survive.

The only reason im NOT in favor is coz it will mean there is a bye every round...thats so annoying!!




  1. If it was the Kangaroos I'd have no problem.  They can get as far away as possible after doing the dirty on Canberra! :-)

    If they're going to introduce a new team then, for crying out loud, make it two teams.  Another Queensland team perhaps and either a Canberra or Tasmanian team.  Or forget Gold Coast (where the bears had to be propped up for years) and just go Canberra and Tassie.

    I agree with all the comments that byes create a farcical draw and meaningless percentages.

  2. Yeah why not!

    I don't mind change :))

  3. The fixture was such a mess from 1991-96 with only 15 teams. Andrew the bumbling idiot threatened North Melbourne if they didn't move to Carrara for good. I think it is the only way the Roos can survive. My only concern with Carrara is the facilities, not enough seats, not enough barrackers.

    Calling Arden Street a dump is an insult to all legitimate garbage dumping facilities.

    Sorry North barrackers, but Arden Street is sub-standard, even if it is just used for training.

  4. What a really good idea from the AFL build a team from scratch put that new team in a stadium that hasn't worked before in an area that hasn't worked before in a rugby league state then let all the clubs pay for an inept idea. Stick to your guns North Melbourne and stay in Victoria

  5. NO keep it to 16 clubs

  6. Why stop with the Kanga's to the Gold coast,

    Western Bulldogs to West Sydney,

    St Kilda to be called the Southern Saints and moved to Tassie,

    Melbourne and Hawthorn to become the Melbourne Hawks like what should have happened mid 90's.

    and a third team out of Adelaide to stop their moaning about the amount of teams in Melbourne and also to give us a break,crows hating power and vice averse enough already.

    No need for a bye then, it's about time for people to realise if they want their teams to survive drastic unpalatable action has to be taken, gone are the days of suburban teams drawing money from memberships, it's all corporate now, the game is out of reach of the battler who in the past were the reason for the clubs in the first place.

  7. I hope the Kangas can stay in Melbourne where they belong

  8. not this little black duck,north hardly managed to attract 8,000 people to the games they did play up there-what makes anyone think the attendances will improve if they go permanently,the AFL will have To prop them even more than they do now and to me it just doesn't seem like a workable option.

  9. NO!

    Melbourne is a city of 4 million mad footy fans - it can support all the teams that are currently there!

    Big Andy can shove the Gold Coast fair & square up his hole!

  10. Hang on a sec....the AFL isn't just going to cook up a new team from the frying pan in 20 minutes. These things take time and the AFL isn't looking at this for 2008 or 2009, but in 3-5 years down the track.

    The Gold Coast still has to build a stadium capable of holding at least 15 000 people, build a club board, get players ect. And if the Kanga's do move, again, it won't happen overnight.

    What the AFL is saying is that Gold Coast needs a team soon. Weather it's the Kangaroos moving north, or maybe something like the 'Gold Coast Sharks', it is going to happen in a few more years down the track.

    There will be no such thing as byes. If the Kanga's don't move, they go under water and we will see no more footy from old North Mebourne.

    It's move it, or lose it for the roos.

  11. NO! I don't want to see another great team go the way of Fitzroy, the oldest team in the league & they got shafted.

    & yes a bye each week would be a total Pi$$ off

  12. It would be difficult for any club to bite the bullet and say ok , lets relocate , but I think the Kangaroos have got to make the move !

    With the back room negotiation, the paper shuffle etc , it obviously takes time, but anyone who has been to the Southport Sharks facility would know there is "Money" on the Gold Coast, and the Kangaroos would ultimately  prosper 'big time' by moving .    The simple fact is Victoria 'cannot' possibly carry the finance burden it currently has, with 10 clubs into the future .

    Just doing the sums tells the story , working for example on 5 mil to run a club each year, VICTORIA  has to find 50 mil , SA 10, WA 10,NSW 5, AND QLD 5.      

                                                            Kangaroos must go, and when that move is done and dusted, the Western Bulldogs are perfectly 'named' and an obvious  target for the next move North  to Sydney's WESTERN suburbs, playing out of the OLYMPIC telstra stadium !

  13. I would love to see it work but my jury's out on whether I think it will or not.

    Byes are OK, it gives your team a chance to recover from injuries and gives teams like Carlton a few points so they don't look so c**p.

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