
Who's more accurate, Puxatony Phil or Jimmy Hansen?

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Puxatony Phil has accurately predicted the length of winter 81% of the time.

Jim-Bob Hansen has only predicted global warming 72% of the time.

Should NASA hire Puxatony Phil to head up the global warming research? Maybe we would get a better bang for our buck.

Any thoughts?




  1. I would trust a goundhog, over a gwnut case anyday..


  2. People are dying from the effects of climate change,and you make juvenile remarks and senseless attempts at explaining your position. You're not fooling anyone!  Global climate change as a result of our use of fossil fuels for the past 200 years,is really happening! There hasn't been such an attempt to oppose knowledge ,since the Vatican arrested Copernicus for proving the Bible was wrong,and the Sun doesn't go around the Earth. Any 'idiot' can clearly see that Copernicus was wrong,and it was just a "hoax to raise taxes"!The same lack of intelligence in the 'deniers', are now claiming that climate change can't be caused by humans,and is not happening. Do you really understand how silly and stupid the 'deniers' sound on here?  Before man went into space,people couldn't really get their minds around the fact the Earth was round,and thought that the Moon was made of cheese! Of course when the pictures came back from the moon landing,people finally understood the FACTS!  Nobody ever said the moon is made of cheese story again!

  3. Looks like the Nobel Prize should go to Phil.  But I have to suspect Phil is reading the Farmer's Almanac, where a consensus of readers (80%) believe their predictions are accurate.

  4. Personally I like the predictions of the last several years where a warmer than average winter with less rainfall has turned into a near record freeze for most of the US and now near record precipitation.

    I also like the fact that the oceans are actually not rising like global warming proponents thought would occur.  

    I think that since we don't know exactly how the environment truly works as a whole, since we are not god, we shouldn't trust computer models, that we program.

  5. I think you don't understand the difference between a random distribution and building a predictive model... such you're not qualified to be hawking this political agenda of yours... or rather, you're a shining example of the average AGW denier: No understanding of science and a penchant for acting like you have one.

  6. Well Dr Jello there is much merit in your suggestion.  I think that Puxatony Phil has a much better scientific technique whereby he decides how long winter will be after he looks for his shadow not before.

    Jimmy Hansen on the other hand uses his influence to persue his other agendas that includes inciting civil disobedience and helping George Soros bring down the US federal government.  I get the impression he already knows what his satellite is going to tell him before he gets the data and just has to wait a respectable amount of time before he posts his findings (like he can't post next years weather results yet as it would be a bit too obvious that he was making it up).  

    I don't know if people are ready for a groundhog heading up the global warming research at NASA, but I feel confident that he'd do a better job.

  7. Puxatony Phil is way more accurate when it comes to predicting the end of winter than Jim Hansen has been in predicting global warming. Maybe they should make Jim live in a hole in the ground and give Phil a nice cozy house to live in.

    And I think Nasa would be better off if they fired Jim and hired Phil to research global warming.

  8. Your question is an interesting one. However,  it has absolutely nothing to do with global warming.

    I believe animals have keen senses which can predict natural events on earth, because of their direct unaltered (in some cases) relationship with their environment.  The overwhelming majority of humans have no direct relationship with their environment, therefor a huge disconnect with our planet.

    I take back what I said earlier, this does have to do with global warming.  The disconnect between humans and their home, if continued will lead to a complete breakdown of the Earth ecosystem.

  9. Jello, Jello, many times do we have to inform you on the difference between climatology and meteorology?

    Exxon is really getting some good returns on the money they spend on  you.  Of course they just posted a $40.6 billion dollar profit -- so you're most likely just chump change to them.

    Phil predicts weather... not climate.

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