
Who's more dangerous?

by  |  earlier

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A person that's insane?

Or a person that knows they're insane?




  1. too big of a generality, be more specific. people can accept being insane after being told enough but intellectually they know it isn't true.

    usually they think that other people don't understand them because they have special insight etc. generally,,,it's the rest of us who are a little off.

    yes, ther are people who know they are insane and many who only think they are. sorry.

  2. A sane person with a nuke.

  3. This doesn't answer your question, but a truly insane person doesn't know they're insane.

  4. Someone who is insane because if they know they may try to stop being...insane

  5. An insane person would be more dangerous to the general random person but to a target the person who know's it (hypothetically) would be more dangerous.  

  6. A person that is insane, because they are often unaware of what they are saying and/or what effects may be brought onto them and the people around them by what they consider to be true.

  7. A person who knows they are insane.

  8. both equally dangerous

  9. a person who knows i think

    coz theyll use that excuse to do bad things and get off lightly coz their "insane"
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