
Who's party do you think is going to prevail in the debates? Democrats or Republicans?

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Who's party do you think is going to prevail in the debates? Democrats or Republicans?




  1. Hopefully Neither.

  2. From what I've heard, Obama is terrible at answering questions without a pre-written response that he can either read or recite from memory.  My guess would be Republicans, but we'll have to wait and see for sure.

  3. Democrats. Here's why:

    Obama is a better speaker off-the-cuff than McCain.

    Biden is FAR more experienced than Palin.

    (I'm an Obama supporter, but even McCain supporters don't hold out much hope for the debates.)

  4. Republicans.

  5. Democrats.

    Just standing on the same stage with Obama will make McCain look as small as he is.

    Biden will rip Palin apart.

  6. They both have an equal chance.  It's hard to take anything that either party says seriously because (1) both parties will lie to make themselves look better and (2) both parties will bash the other party to make themselves look better and (3) until the new president is actually in office, he will have no idea what he can work with exactly to make his promises a reality.

  7. If you count um, ah, a, hmmm, ah, oh, ummm, homina, hummina, hope/change/bush is bad, as an intelligent answer, the Democrats win hands down. All Obama has to do is say hope/change in every sentence and throw in the occasional, 'failed-policies-of-the-past-eight-years... or 'tax the honkys' and they will spend the night on their feet cheering.

  8. Well if they would open up the debates to a third party I don't think either would win, the radical change Obama wants is only causing the deficit to go higher quicker than McCain, but I'm still not sure with Bush's record of spending McCain wouldn't bankrupt us first. But listening to a third candidate would be a breathe of fresh air and would hurt both of the candidates because they might have to talk about real issues and come up with a solution like the outrageous inflation and the outrageous spending of tax dollars all over the world, I pay the government to protect me not protect Georgia from a border dispute, and cut spending throughout the federal government. These are real solutions to the problems we have today and change we should look for in a candidate but instead the change we have is more spending of tax dollars and a tax increase on everyone be live it or not. Capital gains tax will tax everyone with an investment which is 66% of America.

  9. Democrats

  10. republicans all the way

  11. Well, given how poorly educated most Americans are these days, it's hard to say.  (Doubt that? Just look at Yahoo Answers!)

    Given the candidates and the issues, if we had the level of education that was normal, say, 40 years ago, the Republicans would have a slam-dunk victory.

  12. That's the easiest question asked here so far.  Anyone with 1/2 of a brain can easily surmise that a bottom 5th of his Naval Academy Class grad cannot out-debate a Harvard Law top of his class graduate.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a world of dillusion...and is likely a Republican.

  13. At first,I thought it might be the Democrats but after Obama did not choose Hillary who was clearly the peoples favorite after Obama,I think he might have shot himself in the foot. Now that McCain has chosen another lady (governor of Alaska) for his running mate,I know that those dissatisified with Obama for not choosing Hillary will vote for McCain. I don't think McCain would have stood a chance if he had chosen a man to run with him. I am not answering your question with my heart but with my brain. This same question has been going through my mind and probably millions of others. Even though Hillary told her supporters to stand behind Obama it won't happen. Women vote more with their hearts than with their brains(no offense intended ladies) well,most of them anyway. It will go down to the wire but McCain will win because he chose a women.  

  14. The republicans only have one issue and that is to regulate a woman's uterus.  Notice at the RNC and during interviews Republicans deflect and lie for every answer.  How about their country first slogan?  Shouldn't it say fetus before all other breathing people on earth?  They've been using that issue to distract people while they sell America from under our feet to the highest bidder.

  15. Who cares?

    The "debates" are not real debates, they're simply formatted campaign commercials. They are so scripted, there is no real or important battle of ideas going on, just some kind of one-upmanship game in projecting telegenic properties, and getting in good sound-byte one-liners.

    I found this out watching the debates prior to my first vote, in 1980.

    I am saddened when I think that some people might be basing their votes on these scripted talk operas.


    And don't discount the old campaign warhorse McCain - there's a reason he wanted to do real town-hall debates, with no scripted questions, just answering all questions as they come.

  16. The Republicans

    While Obama speach was good he told America what he would do to bring about change but not how he would go about doing those things.

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