
Who's really amazing at excel???

by  |  earlier

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I'm having a lot of trouble with this formula.

I want it to be an IF formula that if B1 > 5, it shows as OK and if it's less than 5, it shows at NOT OK.

My problem comes with color. If it's ok, I want it to be a bright green. If it's not ok, I want it to be bright red.

Excel has given me no help and neither has my company IT.




  1. Use your if statment and conditional formatting

    Suppose your result goes in C1

    =IF(b1>5,"OK","NOT OK")

    That gets you OK or NOT OK

    Then highlight cell C1

    Format, Conditional Formatting

    Condition 1 is

    cell value equal to ="OK"

    click on Format,,,

    set the font color to the green you like (and I'd make it Bold also)

    click ok

    Then click Add>>

    Condition 2 is

    cell value equal to ="NOT OK"

    click on Format...

    set the font color to the red you like

    click ok

    click ok

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