
Who's really at fault here?

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Parents are suing McDonald's, Burger King, and other fast food joints for making their kids fat. Is it really the fast food joints' fault, or is it the parent who hauls their kids there every day and then lets them gel in front of a TV all evening?




  1. Of course its the parents fault..if they b....i......t...c .h about their kids getting fat, then why take them...duh!

  2. The children should sue the's the American way!

  3. As Ronald McDonald and the Burger King don't come to kids' homes and drag them against their wills to their hamburger doom, I'd say the parents haven't a lawsuit at all.

  4. I blame the fast food places for making their food so d**n delicious - I eat at least three Big Macs every day - and I'm vegetarian ! - must be even worse for you meat eaters .

  5. I would mainly blame the parents.

    Fast foods can be eaten once in a while but not everyday.

    They can at least go to another place to eat healthy food than to go to fast food chains daily.

    Plus their parents should tell them not to eat there.

  6. not the fast food chains...It would be like suing Budweiser because you were an alcoholic....

  7. Parents...I work for KFC...the AHA bent our hand into making us change over to the new 0 Trans we shoved it down thier throats at gun point. Thanks good question!

  8. tch..its the parents fault.

    those fast food places are not forcing the little fatties to eat there everyday, if the parents wanna ***** it should be that they're too lazy to make their own kids some food.

  9. i believe its the parents fault.  the parents must be fat to cause there to lazy to cook

  10. you already know the answer to that. its the parents fault.

  11. Welcome to America.  Lazy people, parents and children.  People cannot wait to sue  even over common sense things. That is why our court system is failing.  Of course it is the parents fault for not having the children get outside, play, exercise, read, write, etc.  Parents really do not have time here, nor do they want to do things. They are lazy and tired from their easy jobs.   Childrens TV should be limited......and then educational programs only.  They fast food place does not cause this.  And eating fast food occasionally does not make one fat either.Children can barely write today but they can text and said.....schools turn out children who can not read or write. President Bush put in place a worthless policy, No Child Left Behind....more children are left behind now than before and parents do not take the time to work with children, teach children, or cook.....Many Americans are obese, not from fast food but from overeating in general and lack of exercise.........children learn from example....

  12. besides even if they sue lol mcdonalds is to big just like the cig companys they are to big and besides the parents should make the kids exercise if they weat that food.

  13. I think if the parents of those chubby children want someone to blame they only need look in the mirror.  We parents are responsible for teaching and modeling healthy eating habits.  Blaming the fast food industry for their lack of parenting skills is wrong.  We all know fast food is not good for you but so many choose to ignore that; along with the healthy choices that a lot of fast food restaurants now offer with their meals.

  14. The parents are at fault, of course.

    Or should I say "parent" since everyone has such a screwed up family life now.

    It's also the parent's fault our children are on medication for "ADHD" in elementary school because parents would rather sit a child in front of a video game or television or computer ALL FRIGGIN' DAY instead of assembling a swing set out back or THE PARENT ACTUALLY TAKING THE CHILD OUTSIDE TO "PLAY".

    It's also the parent's fault children have no manners because they let the children run in the aisle at the grocery store, at the mall, the restaraunt.

    It's also the parent's fault that in 12 - 16 years our roadways are going to be impossible to navigate because we taught our children it's okay to talk on the cell phone, read a book, download music, text message, eat meals, not use turnsignals and to disregard EVERYONE else on the road - including police and ambulances.

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