
Who's responsible for Britain's yob culture & binge drinking craze: multiculturalism, Islam or white culture?

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  1. I think it's a general lack of respect for others, this is fostered by a loss of community and neighbourhood support (within white culture), as well as that of extended families and a breakdown in discipline.  Kids grow up quicker these days and become aware of their rights, years before they understand the responsibilities that go with them.  

    The idea of rights is fostered by the media in many areas including Islam and multiculturalism, along with countless other examples such as the right to welfare benefits or expensive drugs, even reclaiming bank charges.  The responsibility is rarely mentioned - such as the responsibility to work and pay taxes to fund your lifestyle, or to repay debts you've incurred or to respect the laws of the country you live in etc.

  2. It is the huge immigrant influx coupled with a daily dose of media coverage of how bad British youth is compared to Asians and other immigrants,plus there is less work for the indigenous population at rates that will pay bills,the immigrants work for much less because a lot of them are illegal and live in squalid housing sometime 10 or more per house.The underclass of this country are now white male/female and are on an almost daily basis made to feel that way by people who really shouldn't be here,the drinking and yobbish behaviour is born out of frustration and anger at a government which is betraying them.

  3. im sorry but addicts answer makes absolutly no sense whatsoever.

    of course muslim kids drink. i know loads who do. and before you say its not allowed they do it behind parents backs.

    Everyone who is too scared to stand up to cocky nob chavs is to blame. including the goverment.

  4. Bad parenting. It is now socially acceptable to have kids any age from 15 and the state provide houses and benefits. How can kids bring up kids to be balanced sensible individuals when they are still sucking lollipops and going to school.

  5. Islam? you twit--they can't even drink. The white race drinks more heavily for that matter.

    I think it's so cold, gray, and boring over there that people have to get some sort of drug to put them out of their misery.

  6. white culture


    people don't respect polite people anymore

    multiculuturism and religion has nothing to do with it

  7. The complete decline of white culture. It used to be that people of all ages went to the pub, had a few drinks and a bit of a laugh. It was part of our community. Even children were allowed in during the afternoon. Now nobody over 30 goes into a city centre, and you would be mad to take a child. In countries like Spain you see people of all ages out, without people becoming overly upset if children make a bit of noise. The place does not need to be crawling with police as people are out in families and communities and respect each other. They realise that teh bar may not just be for their use (ie for the use of 16-25 year olds) and therefore may not be perfect, but they respect the other people in there.

    When I first started going out drinking near where I lived,I often saw friends of my parents. I chatted to them and I knew that if I caused too much trouble, word would get back to my parents. Now you rarely see people who are not young out, and these are the people who used to steady things when they got out of hand

  8. Yobs and binge drinkers whatever colour they may be - no one forces drink down anyone else's necks. I agree its something to experiment with and hopefully grow out of.

  9. unrestrained free market forces

    look at tall the adverts that tell you to drink, consume, drive fast cars etc theres an unlimited amount then look carefully and see if the counter arguements have as much media space

    the drive is for individual gain and there is a notable decrease in the promotion of social reponsibility

  10. I think it's indigenous British culture unfortunately, uneducated and lazy minded most of them.  

    You don't see a drunk Muslim being yobbish do you?

  11. i can't believe that you are trying to blame binge drinking and yob culture on any of the options that you have listed. Yob culture is simply rebelious teenagers, they grow out of the yob culture by the age og 20, at least most of them do if they are not in prison [which is where i think that they all belong].

    Underage binge drinking is also due to rebelious teenagers, although i do think that it is good for paernts to introduce alchol to childeren at a reasonably young age so they don't go out binge drinking as soon as they are legally able to buy it because it will not be a big deal to them.

    however, i think that binge drinking when you are legally able to buy it is caused by people trying new way to relax and have a lot of fun at the weekend ect. what i meen by that is your inhibitions are lowered once you are drunk which meens that you will do a lot of things, that may be considered fun, that you would not do when you are sober.

  12. White working class culture.

  13. 60's liberalism

  14. White culture, it has nothing to do with the other two.

    Muslims don't drink and unless you're going to argue that you're forced to drink  due to stress on account of having to look at all of those black and Asian faces then all that is left is the British.

    The trouble is we don't have any core culture or values. There are books and theatre for the high brow types but nothing for the people at the bottom.

    They always go on about mining villages and how the young there are all heroin addicts. I find it quite amazing how quickly unemployed working class people turn into heroin addicts.

    Young unemployed Polish people come to Britain to work, what is wrong with unemployed British working class people that they turn to heroin before getting on a bus and going to where the work is.

    Binge drinking culture is no culture at all. I would start the school day at 8am and the day would end at 5pm and would make the learning of a musical instrument compulsory. This being the case, if unemployment befell them at a later point then they could always busk!


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