
Who's responsible for these bank charges?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, it's abit long but please listen. I used to work for a company that gave me a corporate card for office expenses. It seems that someone then set up a direct debit to pay that from my personal account without my knowledge and now i discover that not only have they been debiting my personal account but on one occassion that pushed me into an unauthorised overdraft which i was subsequently charged for? Who's responsible for those charges?




  1. No,you have me on this one.

    Someone gave you a card for spending company money,and miraculously has been taking money from you're personal money?

    Don't get it. You gave your personal bank details to the wrong party.

  2. Surely no-one can set up a direct debit off your account without you knowing, you have to sign a direct debit mandate.

  3. they are technically. although. you should of discovered the charge was being withdrawn and stopped it before now.  

  4. Jeremy Clarkson put his bank account number in the paper a few months ago to try and prove it was completely useless to anyone if they had it i.e lost data disks. He checked his bank a week later and spotted a new direct debit had been set up without his knowledge for a charity lol just goes to show it can be done.  

  5. I think you should go back and read the term and conditions that came with the card...Were the office supplies for you use only or for everyone? Because it seems that if they were for everyone, then the company should be responsible for the charges


  6. Direct Debits are protected by a guarantee from the Bank. Any unauthorised DDs will be refunded. You need to speak to the Bank about the situation and quote the DD guarantee against fraud/mistakes etc.

  7. YOU are for not stopping it sooner and for doing the mandate if you did. If you did not fill in a mandate, its fraud and you will have to sort it out with the bank.

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