
Who's running Britain? (serious answers only)?

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If you're going to be stupid and say "I am!" or "George Bush" or make some other dumb*** remark, then dont even bother. I'm serious, who's running Britain?




  1. OK, Simply Put -

    At the Top is the Queen, She holds the ultimate power in the land.

    The people vote for our political Representative, (The Prime Minister) who is then sworn in by the Queen.  This combines using the power of the Queen for the will of the people so in effect the Prime Minister Works for the people and the Queen and the people of the UK run our own country.

  2. Technically HRH, the Queen, rules the United Kingdom, but she does not have any executive or legislative power.

    Like the United States they have an elected executive chief - the Prime Minister (currently Gordon Brown of the Labour Party) and they also have a legislature consisting of two houses - The House of Commons, which is analogous to the House of Representatives in the US, and the House of Lords, which is analogous to the Senate.

  3. Technically Britain is being run based on authority delegated by H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, D.G., F.D..

    Authority is delegated to the leader of Her Majesty's Government, the Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. James Gordon Brown M.P. He leads the Cabinet, which formulates government policy.

    Sir Gus O'Donnell is Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home Civil Service. He controls the practical execution of Government Policy via the Civil Service.

    Civil Service functions have been privatised, and are run by Government Agencies. These organisations deliver services under contract, to a service level agreement. Agancies are run by companies like EDS, Cap Gemini, etc..

    Heirarchically, British Law was placed beneath European Community Law by Treaty, and a truly enormous quantity of legislation is generated by the European Commission. The British Government has reinvented the House of Lords, packing it with professionals and experts to have them convert EU administrative regulations into the Body of English Law. In addition, the European Court of Justice now provides the Justice of Last Resort.

    Given the counter-intuitively spineless direction taken by British Foreign Policy, argueably formulated and executed in the interest of the United States of American, it has been suggested with varying levels of facetiousness, that (benevolently) Bill Clinton, then (stupidly and with malice) George Bush have dictated British Government Foreign Policy.

    Large numbers of British tabloid and broadsheet newspapers, and satalite television stations are controlled by Sir Rupert Murdoch. If the United Kingdom became more heavily integrated with the European Union, he could be legally compelled to divest himself of such a large number of broadcast media channels. It is suggested in satirical news programmes (the BBC is still notionally independant) that he uses his opinion forming influence to colour British public opinion against the European Union.

    Britain is being run on behalf of the Queen.

    The British Government is directed by the Prime Minister.

    The British Civil Service is run by the Cabinet Secretary.

    British Government Policy is implemented by the Civil Service.

    EDS, Cap Gemini, etc. do alot of the nuts and bolts administration, issue Drivers Licenses, etc.

    The EU regulates what is allowed to happen in Britain.

    Justice in Britain ultimately comes from the ECJ.

    The POTUS tells the Prime Minister what Britain will do overseas.

    Rupert Murdock holds pretty much everyone to ransome.

  4. People who work in the UK, (running the economy).

    This is one of the easier questions i have had to answer since being on Yahoo Answers.

    Dont people ask serious thoughful good questions anymore, man.


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