
Who's showing the French Open?

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I wanted to watch the Quals, but couldn't even get them. grr. Anyone know? East Coast time -I'll be in NYC for most of it.




  1. tennis channel and espn. thts it

  2. The early rounds will be on ESPN2 from noon-5pm ET starting on the 25th with NBC devoting a couple hours of coverage here and there until the Finals.  The Tennis Channel will be covering around 6 or 7 hours a day starting at 5am and then will finish up with the semis.

  3. espn

    tennis channel

    balls ( a channel in the philippines..)

  4. The Tennis Channel and ESPN will show it through the women's semifinals and then NBC and the Tennis Channel will be showing the men's semi's. And NBC will show both women's and men's finals.

    This website has the total information for the TV schedule of the French Open:

    I am SO excited for it to start!

  5. do you get the Tennis Channel, also I believe FSN fox sports network

  6. quallies....i don't think they air those anyway.

    as for the official competition,it will be aired on tennis channel everyday from 5am EST splitting coverage in the middle of the day with espn2. and on the weekends,will split between tennis channel in the early hours and will be broadcasted on NBC for the remainder....but if like last year's,the coverage on NBC will be tape delay.

  7. tennis channel

    espn ,<---------------- great site

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