
Who's sick of work??

by  |  earlier

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I know i am!!! Wasting away a whole day to make low sums of money, sometimes no insurance, and not always great working conditions and your doing it to make lots of money for some a***e who runs the company give me a d**n break the only thing that seems to matter in this stupid world is money I see a very wrong direction we are going how bout all of you???




  1. i don't like school work

  2. ME ME ME ME ME!

  3. I'm sick of work, but perhaps, they are sick of me being sick off work purely because of my ulterior motive of being sick of work.

    Ah yes, it does stir up the green giant in me when my family have the leisure time to laze around the patio on these up and coming sunny days whilst I face up to the sad, grim, ultimately inescapable reality, that I like the majority of the working class, must retreat back to base camp eventually, and begin a series of exploitative, menial, morally degrading, self-depreciating, repetitive, de ja vu inducing and overall - BORING set of tasks.

    Alas you are not alone in your thought of anger at the thought of being sick of work. I say - be sick from work. Not of work. You get a nice day off. And they stress out for a bit. Nice :)

  4. I am. After a successful career making lots of money and spending most of it in useless endeavours, I burnt out last year, and started to re-think the purpose of this whole stupid thing called work. Work is slavery, and I am out of it. If I ever need to work, which I will eventually, it will be in a different state of mind.

  5. I'm really sick of work!  I feel like a hamster in a wheel. . . running and getting nowhere!

  6. I love my job its so exciting it's tiring but i have great benefits and my boss does alot for me. But thats because its a teenage job but I can do alot with the free training a get becuase of how well my work is always done.

  7. I HATE MY JOB AND THE PEOPLE I WORK WITH! i totaly feel ya buddy

  8. i'm still in schoool i hate it! its soo boring only 29 more days till i get out tho! thank god!

  9. ME ME ME MEME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I don't like work. Period.

  11. Same way I feel brosive!! I work to make money  so I can spend money and complain about how Im in the hole and how work sucks

  12. I hate school worst thing ever work aint that bad at least you get a pay check.
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