
Who's side is China / India about the Georgia conflict? Are they better alligned with USA or russia?

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When the time comes can we count these 2 nation's on ourside if we must fight with russia?

ive heard that russia and china make deals with iran and that russia china have a lot fo deals going on behind teh scenes

can the usa really trust china? or are they better friends with the usa then russia?

also india i dunno bout those guys either are they more allied with us or russia/china etc?

anyway what do you guys think about these two?




  1. Both of those countries will not tolerate a rise in Russian dominance anymore than they would tolerate USA dominance.  Both of these countries will always look out for their own interests first, so whose side they would be on (other than their own) would most likely fall in line with who they perceive to be the agressor in any situation.

  2. I'd imagine that being closer and more prone to Russian aggression than US aggression it would be in their interests to side with Russia.

    Neither country is particularly friendly to the US or Russia.

    After the war, they'd promptly spend the next forty years fighting a Cold War with Russia for influence, like the US did with the Soviet Union after WWII.

  3. Neutral!

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