
Who's side is Russia on in the conflict in Georgia?

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Also, why are they on that side?




  1. Russia is on the S. Ossetia side and Georgia is alone.

  2. On the side of true, when it was already clear that Georgia began war in Sonth osetii, and numbers began to come about thousands of killed oseti and ten of peacemakers, only then Russia entered troops

  3. Within Georgia proper there is an ethnic minority in the South Ossetia region who have been subjected to genocide in the past (committed by Georgians) Georgian Government views them as separatists, to maintain stability in the region Russia deployed many peacekeeping troops in the region in the 90's last Friday, out of the blue, Georgian military (fully mechanized) murdered 10 and wounded 30 Russian troops resulting in localized skirmishes but Russia quickly responded and now both armies are in full mechanized combat in the region, displaced Ossetians are seeking refuge in Russia. Russia is fully aware that US and NATO are supporting Georgia financially and militarily and have setup a naval blockade to prevent this support from arriving. And undoubtedly Russia is designating targets (US cities) for a nuclear retaliation as we speak should the situation escalate

  4. Russia is not on a side of any1, Russia is on its own side, trying to annext Georgia and Uses Conflict Zones and theme for it  

  5. Russia is only on one side - Russia's

  6. The Russians are actually fighting the Georgians. South Ossetia is a region of Georgia where the majority of people are of Russian decent. The Russians therefore sent in their troops to protect them after the separatist movement was attacked by the Georgians.

  7. On Moscow's side. Self interest really.

  8. there own side stupid

  9. Lemme say one thing that Senator Obama would probably not approve of......Let them fight.  Jeez man, they're just dying to do their thing for a little while.  No nukes, but yeah I really think this is one of those civilizational hiccups that probably should've come up before but didn't.  I mean all the anti-war people out there have their little say, but war has been around since man all over the world.  It's ugly but I really believe it's part of the human condition.

  10. The Russians are flexing their muscles against a small neighbour just for a change!!

  11. What side is Russia on? Russia is on Russia's side. They invaded a sovereign nation.  

  12. I dont think that there are only peacemakers. lots of russian army has gathered and battles aren't taking place only in ckinvali, but in other parts of Georgia that are distant from ossetia. it looks like invading to me. I hope that u know that Russian planes are bombing other citys too. And i hope u wont say that Georgians have painted their own plains and are bombing themselves. And dont say that Russia wasn't suppling Ossetia with weapons. I dont see any peacemaking. Russia has its own interests its not on anyones side.  

  13. Russia help ossetia to fight against Georgian n**i

    President of Georgia saakashvilly declare war against Osettia.

    Now there is genocide of Ossetian people

    Your media do not tell truth.

    Look at photo

    This people was killed by georgian soldiers who attacked ossetia click english ver on the left of the site

    God blessed Russians to keep our freedom

  14. Russia`s.

  15. Georgia attack S. Ossetia at night 07.08. More than 2000 civilians was killed by Georgian's soldiers that night. Russia is compelled to protect civilians of S. Ossetia. Georgia is not alone. USA helps him.

  16. Since the conflict is between Russia and Georgia, probably Russia, and I don't need to explain why now.

  17. the side of their own agenda

    Its quite an oily situation

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