
Who's sucking the blood out of america?

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i think it's everybody that collects an undeserving check from the taxpayers who put their time in to work

1.welfare collectors- some do need it cause they got hurt at work and can no longer work, but for the people that don't work cause they got stupid mistakes (kids) in their life don't mean they can sit on their fat *** all day and eat food stamp food, go out and work you fat cow

2. corrupt businessmen- if you do work you notice people that make six figures more than you by walking around the workplace "checking" things out, these visitors are the rats of the company and all they are is an EXPENSE, our government don't give a d**n if they are abusing how much they pay themselves cause the company gives them a double tax and i know the government drools over this

3.politicians- they break so many promises and trusting one is like trusting a convict, they should all be hanged cause they really milk the taxpayer dry from all the stupid legislation that passes

i'm sure there's more




  1. Who's sucking th blood out of America? Israel.

  2. Welfare, Muslim countries, the oil companies, the liberals in Congress etc., etc.

    Take your pick.  We give over 10 billion to Muslim countries and if we were to stop that, we'd have lots of money in reserve to spend on American things needed like better schools/teachers.

  3. You didn't mention lawyers.  Do you know how much legal expenses add to the cost of everything you buy?

  4. China and the Iraq war the country has plenty of money it just not going to  the right places if we pulled out of Iraq think how much gas all those hummer burn tanks,and chopper and planes a day ma be we could go back to $0.98 per gallon if there was not so much world tension. and the fact we may start bombing Iran any day

  5. welfare

  6. The WHITE HOUSE  

    the white house is giving all our moneys and taxes too Israel

  7. The oil companies.....

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